Photo by: Tim Bindner Photography I am a slave to my fears but now I am working toward my freedom. I recently had a conversation with a friend who both complimented me on my blog and praised my ability to be open and honest about who I am. At the same time, this person commented that they are too private and could never do that. My question is why? I admit a good portion of my early adult life I was very trusting and open and honest with people about how I felt about things. I was not a completely open book, but it was easy to read and pretty transparent. Throughout this time I slowly was hurt time after time, which eventually lead me to become a person at almost the opposite end of the spectrum. I became very callous, extremely distrusting, and very skeptical about people. As with any self-reflection, I have begun to ask why I have turned out the way I have and come to realize it was because of the image I wanted to portray to others. I have decided to change, at least in part. ...