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Showing posts from December, 2022


Photo by: Tim Bindner I had a friend contact me and stated they had awful anxiety one day recently and even stated it was “in the billions”. As one who suffers from anxiety, I understood how she felt and what she was going through. I will share how I deal with these types of situations of events. Anxiety is defined as what we feel when we are worried, tense, or afraid–particularly about things that are about to happen, or which we think could happen in the future. Anxiety is a natural human response when we feel we are under threat. It can be experienced through our thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations. It also can be summed up as Intense, excessive, and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. Fast heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating, and feeling tired may occur. First, let me say we all have anxiety. Some more than others, and some deal with it much better (my wife) than others. Regardless of how you deal with it, it affects us all in different ways. I have learn

A photo assignment - part 2

Photo by: Tim Bindner Today’s picture is my second favorite image I took in 2022. Again, these may not be the best pictures I have taken, but for me, they all have significant stories or memories. If you were to plot these coordinates on the map (44°21’11.0” N 64°14’31.1” W) you would see the exact spot the boat above was tied to the dock. You could also click on the map here and if using a satellite layer can see the actual boat from above. This picture was taken on mine and Marcie’s trip to Nova Scotia, Canada. Specifically at Blue Rocks, Nova Scotia. I took this with my Fujifilm X-T3 and my Fujifilm 16mm-80mm lens (at 80mm). September 26 th at 9:49am. What makes it my number two photograph in 2022? Many reasons. First, I was on a trip with my wife. It was raining or misting a bit, so she never left the car. I pulled off the side of the road, hopped out, walk down towards the cove, and captured this image. There was a slight breeze behind me, and the cool 14.5-degree Celsius (58.1

A photo assignment - part 1

Photo by: Tim Bindner I was recently featured on a podcast. I wrote in because the host Neale James had a photo assignment for his listeners, upon which he wanted one to three pictures that defined 2022 for each listener. Specifically, “what 2023 is, was or did for you?” With my recent “event” on Thanksgiving Day, I listened to this assignment podcast and wrote in. This link provides the story (and others), as well as the audio portion of the podcast. I HIGHLY encourage you to listen to the entire podcast, but my portion is from 24:55 to 29:05. After hearing the above podcast, I took the assignment a little further. I am going to review my 700+ pictures I have taken in 2022 and pick three that meant the most to me. I will do my best to steer away from the technical aspects of each picture, but spend the time in the posts to discuss my feelings, situation, location and why I chose the three as my most memorable photos of 2022. These

The Funeral

Photo by: Tim Bindner Internal struggle has always been a major factor in my life. It was tested this week. My father’s last living sister passed away on Tuesday morning. She lived a good long life and reached the age of 91. She also has been married to my uncle for 75 years. My uncle is in his mid-nineties. I found out that the visitation for my aunt was Friday from 12pm to 8pm and the mass was at 10am on Saturday followed by the funeral. I rearranged a doctor’s appointment and planned to get off work at 1pm then head to the visitation. As the week slowly progressed, my anxiety built. My father’s anniversary of his death is quickly approaching and the thought of attending a visitation weighed on me. It is well documented my many visits to funeral homes as a child and even as a young adult. Heck, my mother and father seemed to enjoy visits to the funeral homes for all the people they knew. I didn’t share the same passion. Thursday night, I tossed and turned. My heart raced (scary after

I'm on a highway to ...

Photo by: Tim Bindner It has been a week today since I had my heart attack. No one has told me exactly when I had it, but my assumption was it was Thanksgiving morning while hiking. One week later, I have had time to process what has happened, remember what I went through, and have been really touched by those who have reached out to me. Music is important in my life. I listen to it constantly and I have a song tied to every experience and emotion I have felt during that experience. The song for this experience was not chosen by me, but I feel the story behind it is quite funny and I should share it. As mentioned, I had a heart catheterization (Cath). During the process I was taken to a surgical room, transferred to a table, strapped down, had a heart monitor hooked up, was given relaxation meds through my IV, and finally the worse part was given an injection in my wrist that burned and numbed my wrist. As to not gross anyone out, I will move on. Lying there, I was asked questions by t