From the day we were born (and even before that) our brains developed. Once we thought rationally, we formed opinions. These opinions are how we as individuals process situations, emotions, facts and justify or clarify them in our brains. It is natural and normal. The age of social media has changed our way we deal with opinions. They are glorified and encouraged by social media and the regular media. It is our “right” to voice our opinions whether they were asked for. The problem is people want to voice their opinion on every subject, usually with little to no facts behind it. Their source for facts are Facebook, what someone told them, some website on the internet, or skewed media sources. Problem two is with the internet anyone can find facts to justify their topic at hand. If I look up, the world is flat, or Bigfoot exists, or so and so is the best candidate for President, there are dozens of websites to ‘prove’ I am right. The sources are based on opinions and rarely, if ever, fac...