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Adventure to Scott Mountain

Earlier this year, I was asked by my contact at Harrison-Crawford State Forest if I would like to visit a secret place, to which I enthusiastically said yes. I met her a few days later and was handed a handwritten document with various clues to the adventure. Simply titled A Adventure to Scott Mountain.

I was given 3 rules I must follow on this adventure. First, I may ask for only two hints. Next, I am not to go alone as the last location (more below) is “way out”. Finally, I am to have a plan for how I am going to get out. She states “I didn’t give you any directions back.”

I am always one who loves to hike, explore and discover. If it is off the beaten path or in a much untraveled area, then even better. That adds to the allure for me.

I presented the clues and a handwritten note to Mark, who was happy to go on this adventure with me, and we even drove to the starting point earlier this spring. I was given this map of sorts in late spring, so my attempt will be this late fall or early winter after hunting season is over and the ticks are mostly gone.

The challenge begins at a specific location within the State Forest. I am given coordinates to the starting point. From there, I am given approximate feet, direction, and coordinates to site one. If I arrive successfully, I am asked to identify something about the area, then take that number and divide that number by a clue she has given me. This will give me the proper coordinates and directions to location number two. If I calculate wrong, then I cannot move on to site two. At site two, I am given specific landmarks and landscape features that, if figures out correctly, will take me to the third and final location. As mentioned above, I then have to find my way back to the vehicle. My assumption is I will be in a ravine or next to a cliff or creek. I was also given a map of the area. I will carry a GPS that will keep me on course and help me ‘track back’ to the vehicle.

Like finding the cemeteries for my cemetery project (which she also helped provide me maps to), this stirs my imagination and sense of adventure. I hope Mark and I can explore this area and that we can safely find all three locations she mentioned on my map.

I plan to write more about this once completed, but it will be a few months (December or later) before I even attempt it. It is not quite Indiana Jones, Lara Croft in Tomb Raider, or Nicholas Cage in National Treasure, but it feels the same to me.

Until next time,

Tim (Kilmer)


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