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Taking a break.

I have made a big decision today that will affect my photography. I have been thinking about it for a while and decided now is the time to make the change.

Daily I post a photo on my Instagram account. I enjoy the platform mostly, there are many negatives that I feel take most of that enjoyment away. First, there are more and more videos popping up on there. I watch videos on YouTube, not on Instagram. Next, I do not post for likes or follows, but I almost daily get random follows for bogus accounts. Next, with those bogus accounts are often followed up with direct messages (DM’s) either saying hello, requesting I follow their page, requests to collaborate, and even requests to click on pornographic links or to have sex.

I do my best to block these bogus accounts, but it ends up taking away my joy from using Instagram. I use Instagram to follow other photographers, some celebrities, and not chase follows or likes. I certainly not to delete or block spam or garbage.

So what am I doing? I have kept my account on Instagram but as of August 1st to post everything on my 500px site. This site, like Flickr, is geared for photography and photographers. I can organize my photos in folders, categories and various other methods I cannot do on Instagram. I can receive comments and likes, but it differs greatly from Instagram. Most of what I have seen has been genuine, unlike Instagram.

I feel since Facebook took over Instagram; they are trying to turn Instagram into a combination of TikTok, old Instagram, aspects of Facebook, and with tons of advertisements. I am just simply wanting to display my photos without all the other noise.

I barely use Facebook, don’t subscribe to any other ‘social media’ other than Instagram and YouTube. I think this move will limit my use of the current ‘social media’ I view daily and help me post my photographs in a way not dictated by any algorithm.

I hope this a refreshing change. I have used the site before and absolutely love it. Anyone can sign up for a free account. I am paying a small fee to have additional bells and whistles.

Until next time,

Tim (Kilmer)


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