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Thomas Heaton


I took a stab in the dark yesterday and reached out, via email, to whom ultimately has become my favorite ‘famous’ photographer Thomas Heaton and requested a virtual interview.  To my amazement, he replied the next day with the answers below.

Before I get to the questions and answers he provided I want to tell you a bit about Thomas (you can read about him here) and why he is my favourite (spelled that way as he is from the United Kingdom).  Like most of the photographers I have discovered virtually, I simply found him by accident.  I am so glad I did.  I had recently purchased a Fuji XT-2 (my second Fuji X camera) and was researching camera settings on YouTube which lead me to one of Thomas’ videos.  I got what I needed from the video, and ended up watching another, then another, then another of his.  I soon found myself drawn to his style of vlogs and began going back and watching older ones he created as well as waited with anticipation for his new ones.

So what do I like about his vlog-style?  It is his vulnerability.  He goes out in all kinds of weather, sometimes not even shooting anything, but ultimately most videos he finds a single wonderful image.  Unlike many YouTubers, Thomas not only helps educate viewers but does so in a fun and charming style, all while showing his human side.  Like the rest of us, he gets frustrated, gets lost on hikes, makes mistakes (and does not edit them out of his videos), and on one recent trip to Mt. Everest he broke emotionally down (seen here at 5:30).  How many people would show that side of themselves to the world?

Some of my favorite videos are his light-hearted ones.  He did one recently on being a Master Photographer (joking of course), and more recently during the COVID-19 lockdown on attempting macro photography.  His wonderful hats, slicker boots, virtually riding in his custom van, and even his monkey robe keeps his videos playful all the while he successfully goes about the task of educating me and his other viewers with the subject in each video.

Thomas has been known to hike several miles and take only one shot.  My friend Mark (who will be jealous I got this interview) hike a lot together, and often alone.  When we head out and take one or a very few photos we have dubbed those hikes as we did a “Thomas Heaton”.  I mentioned this to Thomas in my request for the interview and he replied: “I love the ‘Thomas Heaton shoot’ joke!

He has taught me a ton about photography, whether it be gear, settings, thought process, capturing the mood, framing, angles, and even tips on Lightroom and Photoshop, but most of all he has taught me I do not need to shoot everything, but look for that perfect shot(s) and take them.  I have always been a minimalist (low number of shots, only bringing one camera and lens) when shooting, but through Thomas’ philosophy, I have started concentrating on quality not the number of photographs.  He also inspires me to slow down, look for the right composition, look for the light and most importantly take my time and get the right shot. I am learning to tap into my inner ‘Thomas Heaton now when I shoot.

Thomas Heaton

Website – My Website

YouTube – My YouTube Channel

Instagram – My Instagram Feed

Which is your favorite lens? Why? 24-70mm as it’s very versatile and can handle nearly all outdoor scenarios. I always have mine with me.

What is your favorite style of shooting? Definitely landscape (as if it would be anything else?)  🙂 Specifically I enjoy working with water, be it the sea, or rivers, as the scene is constantly changing and giving me something to react to. I know every shot will be different from the last, producing an image that will always be specific to me.

Among the gadgets that you own, is there something that you wish you hadn’t bought? I can’t think of anything. Everything I buy is researched in advance and always serves a purpose even if it only gets used once.

How do you educate yourself to take better pictures? I take in and learn photography in nearly every way possible: online photography courses, watching YouTube content, listening to podcasts and reading classic books. Of course, just simply getting outdoors with a camera is the best way ultimately!

Whose work has influenced you most? The photographer, David Noton. His book was one of the first photography books I owned and I loved everything about it. Online I watch a lot of Ben Horne videos and he is constantly inspiring me with his videos and travels.

What is the one thing you wish you knew when you started taking photos? The importance of light. This nearly always makes or breaks whether something turns out to be an amazing photo.

It may seem silly, but I am truly honored that Thomas wrote me back and provided the answers to my questions.  I feel like a kid when I got an autograph from my favorite player, or in today’s terms a selfie with your favorite singer/actor/athlete.  I highly recommend following him on Instagram, subscribe on YouTube and check out his website to pre-order his book (as I did) and sign up for his newsletter.  If you have any interest in photography, even if it is looking at great pictures only, Thomas is the man you need to watch/follow.

Until next time,



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