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Let me introduce Sam

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I have not posted in over a month. I have had a lot going on and was debating on sharing all of it with you. This is, however, therapy for me, so here it goes. This will not be cheerful and my intent here is to inform and not asking for pity or sorrow. I will also introduce you to Sam. Named after the character from the movie Trick R Treat and pictured the above.

As many of you know, I had a heart attack back on Thanksgiving Day in 2022. I received 2 stents and saw the cardiologist in January who gave me an excellent review. In February, I went to see my primary caregiver, who took my blood work for my normal cholesterol, liver function, sugars, and other tests. A week later, I got the results, and, to my surprise, every single lab test was normal. Even my liver test that had not been normal since I was in my 20’s. However, my sugar tests (A1C, glucose, triglycerides etc.) were the highest they have ever been. I was immediately referred to a diabetic doctor and told to go on an injection called Ozempic. Now if you watch the news, this is an expensive drug and highly sought after because of its primary side effect, which is weight loss. I was taking it for its intended purpose of diabetes.

The shot arrived in the mail about a week later and I was to start on the 1mg does. On the website it explained there are four does, and it was highly recommended to start at.25 for four weeks, then.50 for four weeks, then the 1mg they’re after. I sent a message to my primary, and she said I think you can tolerate and start on the 1mg. So Wednesday I gave myself the shot.

A few days later, Saturday, I began burping what tasted like sulfur or rotten eggs. The evacuation started in my mouth and in the other area. By Monday I saw a different primary care as mine was out on emergency. She told me she thought it was the medicine that caused this (even after I explained that this has happened twice before when I was not on that medicine). This happened when Mom died and once after.

Two days later, I went back to the hospital and got fluids per the primary’s orders. Felt better but was down 12 pounds and could not keep things down.

Thursday morning Marcie and I found out we would lose our jobs as Humana eliminated a portion of their business that we both work under. The mini recovery ended, and I began all the symptoms in full force all over again. In the meantime, I had a gastroenterologist appointment for the end of April set up.

Early Friday morning, I asked Marcie to take me to the ER. I barely made it to the hospital and ran into the restroom. I was given fluids, nausea medicine via an IV and again the doctor said it was the medicine (remember I had only taken one dose). I explained this had happened twice before, but he was not hearing it. Told me to follow up with my primary and if still feeling bad “come back and see us.” Really?

I came home from the ER, called the GI office, and begged to get in quicker. They gave me an appointment the following Wednesday.

I saw the GI doctor, explained what was going on and he said “oh Ozempic” while nodding his head. I then explained this happened twice before and he said, well then that might have triggered it, but there is something else causing it. He said I want to do an EGD and a colonoscopy. I joking asked if they were at the same time and will the cameras meet in the middle? He grinned and said yes, at the same time “but there is 20 feet of intestine we can’t get through, so no meeting in the middle”.

March 15th, I had the EGD, but must wait in the colonoscopy because of my heart attack. “If we stop the blood thinners, you could have another heart attack. If we don’t and we need to remove something, you likely will bleed out.” The procedure was quick and painless (minus the 3 attempts to put in an IV).

The doctor came out after and said he saw something “that didn’t look good.” He was sending it off to biopsy. I should know in 3-5 days. He also said it was pre-cancerous or cancerous and will need to come out. Problem is, again, being on the blood thinners, it is not safe. He ended our conversation with, “we will wait to see the test results and deal with it from there.”

Mentally and emotionally, I am spent. Physically, I feel fine other than knowing I have Sam growing inside of me. That is what I named it as I had a Trick R Treat t-shirt on when I went to get the procedure. I have been asked a question by people I have told that I cannot answer. I have been told to be positive. Honestly, I am handling it okay for two reasons. First, I know it must come out, just don’t know if it is cancer or not and when it will be. Second, between applying for jobs, getting rejections, and dealing with the mountain of medical bills, I have other things to occupy my anxiety. I also worry about Marcie. She is being super supportive, but I know she is also hurting while looking for jobs and dealing with me.

I am keeping my faith, relying on my support network, and waiting for what is next. Dr. Erin is in for an ear-full next week, for sure. So much to unpack.

Until next time,

Tim & Sam.


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