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Photo by: Tim Bindner

Thanksgiving began like any other for me but ended completely different from how I expected. I did, however, learn some things about myself and the true meaning of thanks.

First, let me start with the plan. The plan in the morning, for me, was to get up, go for a short hike, come home, and take a shower, get dressed and head to Marcie’s parents’ house for a 1pm Thanksgiving meal. The universe had other plans for me.

Let me go back to Wednesday night to begin what really happened. Gavin, his girlfriend, and her parents came over for dinner. We had an enjoyable meal of lasagna. Not long after the meal, I developed some indigestion and rumbling in my chest. Not too severe, but enough to notice. I finished out the night, went to sleep, and woke up Thanksgiving morning. The pain was still there, but very slight and not noticeable.

I got my camera, hiking clothes and drove off to Mount Saint Francis. I arrived, began my hike, and all seemed well. As I moved further along my route, and trekked the first hill, my chest hurt more. This is normal for me. I continued still feeling these pains, but they eventually lessened.

I drove home, took a shower, got dressed, and then told Marcie I didn’t feel right and thought I needed to go to the emergency room. We did. After registration, they rushed me back to a room and quickly started an IV and got an EKG. The EKG was normal. The blood work would take an hour to get the results.

After an hour, they came back in and drew more blood. I asked, “another hour” and the nurse said yes. This is where my day changed.

Troponin is a blood test they used to see if there is or was an ‘event’ that happened with your heart. My first reading was point 03, which is slightly high but not horrible. My second reading was point 28. At that point, the ER doctor came in and said we need to get you to a cardiac unit over in Louisville because we are full, New Albany is full and only Louisville has openings.

More waiting, then I was picked up by an ambulance and moved to a hospital in downtown Louisville. I spent the rest of Thanksgiving day having blood drawn, EKGs, x-rays, and got a full bag of heparin. I was also told I would either have a stress test or a heart catheterization the next day. My blood was drawn every two hours and my troponin went to 1.58, then 2.097, then 2.672. Basically, I had a heart attack.

The next morning, I was told I was having a heart cath and at roughly 10:15am I was sent to get that done. I was conscious during the entire thing and heard I got 2 stents. I was then sent back to my room, where I gave more blood, was on a heart monitor and took tons of pills.

Fast forward to Saturday and I was finally released at 1:15 pm. I left with additional medication (now taking 10 pills a day), a request to follow up with a cardiologist and my doctor, and a new appreciation for life. Through the entire experience, I had one nurse (Ron) and my friend Alan to help me understand what happened and what was done to me. In fact, the cardiologist that released me (not the one that did the procedure) came in Saturday morning and said, “did you get a stent put in”? I asked him another question, and he explained he had a ton of people to see and had not even looked at my chart. He touched my wrist, then left. I see in my notes I was charged for an abdominal exam by him. I will call the hospital on Monday to complain about his lack of compassion and unwillingness to answer my questions.

I made it home, had a friend stop by and finally got some rest and slept in my bed. I now newly appreciate Thanksgiving, or thanks.

I am thankful for my wife being by my side, though I ruined her Thanksgiving. Al explained what the doctors should have. I am thankful for Shawn providing me with some peace and trying to calm me down. I am thankful for my neighbors who provided Marcie with a Thanksgiving meal. Mark, Mickie, and my sister Susan were among those who checked on me. Finally, I want to thank Ron, my nurse. I had him from 7a to pm daily and another nurse from 7p to am daily. Ron was patient, kind, understanding and answered all my questions. He was also compassionate and helped ease my mind when I told him about my fear of having any type of surgery. He took the time to explain each step to me.

My life almost ended doing what I love (hiking), but I now newly appreciate life and know who my true supporters are. Foremost, my loving wife. Al, Shawn, Mark, Mickie, Miranda, Phil, Amanda, Susan and, surprisingly, my father-in-law Steve, all supported and checked on me as well.

By the way, apparently the news of my hike Thanksgiving morning made the rounds. The ambulance driver mentioned it, the nurses and doctor mentioned it when I had my procedure, and now Marcie shares that with everyone that knows. They all said “good thing you came in, and you probably should not have gone hiking”. Had I known, I would not have hiked that morning. I just thought it was indigestion. However, the shot above was taken on a heart attack day, so some good came from it.

Wilbur D. Nesbit said it best “Forever on Thanksgiving the heart will find the pathway home.”

Until next time.

Tim (Kilmer)


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