I started today off early. I woke up at 6 am, ate breakfast and headed to the trail by 7:30am. I needed this hike today.
The parking lot was empty. My temperature gauge read 19 degrees as the sun was lighting up the sky. I parked, grabbed my stuff, and headed down the path towards the lake. My mind, as usual, was racing, and I looked to slow it down. I had my new camera around my neck and my eyes began scanning my surroundings for pictures to take. There is always something to shoot, but going to a familiar place often causes me to be complacent and for go pictures I have already taken. This is, however, my therapy, so I trudged on.
I reached the end of the pavement and move east towards the wooden bridge and eventually the path. As I skirted the lake, I was startled by a squirrel who was also startled by me. He was on the side of a large tree and then ran across my path, turned, ran back towards the tree, then disappeared up it. As I walked by, I told him, “You scared me dude”, and I proceeded on.
I decided today I would go a different route than I normally do. This location has a few paths, but I could still mix it up a bit. As I ventured deeper into the woods, I could hear gunshots in the distance. It was deer hunting season, but I was safely on private land, where no hunting was allowed.
As I proceeded deeper into the woods, the sun began peeking through the trees and lighting up the surrounding hills and treetops. I could also feel the warmth of the sun when it hit my face. I soon shed my hat, then my gloves, and finally unzipped my coat. The phone said it was 22 degrees, but my body was overheating.
I took a few pictures along the route, and the noise in my head quieted down. The woods served their purpose for me today. I was happy to be alone in the woods today.
I spotted two deer staring at me briefly before dashing off into the woods; I saw a few squirrels, and even some birds, but no people. The shadows danced off the trees and the cool air filled my lungs. It was a cleansing of sorts for me. I knew soon I would be back to my life and all the constant worries I have floating in my head, but for 90 minutes I was able to significantly quiet the noise.
Until next time.
Tim (Kilmer)
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