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Civil War

Today’s post may strike a nerve with some, but that is not my intention. My intention is also not to sway anyone’s views. I will not try to convince you of my view or judge if your view (if differs) is right or wrong.

I think our country, the United States of America, is in a civil war. Ironic that we are called the UNITED states. We as a country are divided. Some statements I will make will be generalizations, but as a whole, they are true.

The first, and most obvious, is our political divide. We have Republicans vs Democrats. Trump vs. Biden. Our political division has never been greater than right now. The average Biden supporter or Democrat is young, urban, and racially and ethnically diverse. The other (Trump or Republican) is mostly rural, ex-urban, white and older. Again, a general statement, but true. Most political views see the opposite party as evil, and a recent article I read said over 40% of people would be very upset if their child married someone of a different party than their own. We are currently living in a world where it is harder (and more politically charged) to have an abortion than it is to buy marijuana or even a gun.

Next, there is the Covid-19 virus and the vaccine. Whether the virus is ‘real’ or the shot ‘helps’ also seems to follow along the political lines. This spills over into the mask mandate as well. The country is torn on if it is an actual disease, a government ploy or all a hoax. People back or discredit medical professionals to support their view on the topic.

There is the blame game. If someone has a different view than me and the outcome is not what they wanted, there is no acceptance, just blame. It can be from a rigged election to oil companies ripping us off, or referees making terrible calls that cost ‘my team’ the game. There is no acceptance of defeat, only perceived unfair reasons a team, politician or person lost. Give everyone a participation trophy!

There are highly charged racial conflicts that again tie back to political statements like ‘defund the police’ or ‘show support’ for the police. We have protesters who hit the streets to voice their concerns, while others use that as a reason to destroy, loot and vandalize businesses. People judge others without even trying to get to know or understand someone based solely on their skin color. I have and am judged often because of my skin color.

There is the impact of religion. On both sides. We have people who use church and religion to profess their beliefs, while most times damning those who don’t practice, or practice their form of religion. We have large religions that have hidden away child abuse and are now being taken to court for those actions. I have had people chastise me for not going to church yet act and behave more like an accurate definition of a sinner with no remorse. People quote the Bible or Koran much in the same way they use what they read online to justify what they feel is right.

Preferences like LGBTQ+ have most times been more accepted, but in many areas there are still people being killed for their sexual preference or gender identity. This, I feel, still has some ties to our political environment. People who have certain political beliefs, religious beliefs or who are just not open to learn condemn or chastise someone different from themselves.

Mental health is also a highly charged topic. It is recognized by many as a legitimate problem, still receives unfavorable status from a certain type of people. It is used as a crutch or excuse for others to justify not working, to do harm to others, or to justify deviant actions. Mental health is even looked at differently for males vs. females, regardless of race. I am passionate about this subject as I suffer myself from mental health issues.

Recently Brexit (British exit) happened in the United Kingdom (there is that word United again). Brexit was the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union. This was a mutual departure for most aspects of the government except larger things like political and civil rights, monetary policy, and national defense. A once UNITED country is now separated and done so officially.

Will the United States split into two separate entities or nations? I don’t think it will happen, but I feel it unofficially already has. I am sure the UK never saw it happening until it did.

I recently spoke to my neighbor, who shares a different political view than my own. He ranted about Biden, about how gas is sky high, and that he knows the economy is going to tank soon. He even boasted of being “locked and loaded” to prepare for whatever he thinks is going to happen. I let him rant, even though I had reasons that these were not just being Biden problems. Biden is just a face to put on it. A scapegoat, if you will. This is not a Biden problem or a Trump problem, it is a governmental system problem. We have so many politicians that are super rich, been in power office too long, and have forgotten that they a public servant for the people.

My neighbor said (surprisingly) during his rant, that “Trump exposed enough stuff, but he no longer needs to be President. Our country is getting back to a place where people are talking to each other, shaking hands and not at each other’s throats.” I just nodded and thought there is proof that we are much different as a country under this President than we were with the last one.

I have no magic fixes or solutions to the civil divide we have in the UNITED States, but I felt we are a powder keg waiting to blow. As my neighbor pointed out, much of the country is “locked and loaded” and really has no sympathy for their common man. Watch the news. The first 5-6 stories every night are something negative and usually involve shootings. We as a country went through the North vs. the South not so long ago. I hope we are not headed there again.

Until next time,

Tim (Kilmer)


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