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Part 3 - Neck of steel

Let me take you back a little to give some context to what I am about to tell you. I receive massages every two weeks to loosen myself up. It helps slightly but does not last long. I hold all my stress and tension in my neck and shoulders. My massage therapist describes me as “concrete” often.

On December 3rd of 2021, I had a session with her and had her dig into my neck to loosen the knot I feel. What happened that evening has transformed me. I do not blame her one bit; I blame myself. That evening, I began having vision problems. I didn’t lose vision but saw everything stacked. My left eye sees something and my right sees the same, but the right side was slightly higher than the left. This, of course, caused me headaches and nausea.

I got in to see my eye doctor on that Monday who checked my eyes and said my vision was fine, but was going to refer me to his friend, who was a specialist. I went there the next morning. After multiple eye drops and vision tests, not to mention a light brighter than the sun being constantly shined into my eyes. Did I mention I am light sensitive? It was determined that this was likely caused by trauma and “should correct itself in up to 3-4 months”.

My conclusion is that I am so tight and have been for so long that my massage therapist may have loosened something up and it triggered this. Again, not her fault at all, but mine.

I began dry needing in February as a method to help loosen me up and make my massage therapist job easier (remember I am concrete). I met the Physical Therapist on my first session, told her what I was dealing with and then she examined my neck and shoulders (basically squeezing, poking and feeling them). Her comment was “I have been doing PT for over 20+ years and you are the tensest person I have had, and also have very thick skin.” I didn’t win an award, but got a title.

I had a two sessions with her, then was referred to another Physical Therapist in the office who was trained in electrical stimulation (e-stem). Thursday I have my 5th overall and 3rd session with this new PT.

First, let me say the treatment is helping. My vision is about 50% better and I feel looser. As I lay on the table, she said I am going to start with your neck, and then work towards your shoulders. I forgot to mention I cannot fully extend my arms above my head without severe pain.

She put the first needle in, then the second and I heard her say to herself “neck of steel” to which I laughed and she quickly apologized. None needed. She continued putting in another needle and then said, “well I bent that one”. I guess it is hard to penetrate steel with a needle.

I continued my therapy, felt much better, and left. This is something I will continue along with massages for the next month, as I see and feel the improvement. I have a massage tomorrow.

These last three posts are about a rough, yet typical week for me. I analyze things. Whether it is movies, YouTube videos, conversations with others, I analyze them in my brain. I am in constant thought, which spills over into the night sometimes. I wrote the original blog in this starting at 1:37am in the morning because my mind was racing.

I have often heard movies, television, videos have escaped from reality. For me, they are entertainment, but I always put myself in the scene and go through all the what-ifs based on how I would deal with the situation I am watching.

Until next time,

Tim (Kilmer)


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