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Photo by: Tim Bindner

Today I want to talk about motivation. Motivation pushes us on every aspect of our life, but with only two driving factors.

We as individuals are driven or motivated toward something good or away from something bad. What do I mean by that? The best way I can explain this is through examples.

As children, we were told early to do our best and get good grades. We soon learned and chose a path of motivation for that. For some, it was good. To learn, to be acknowledged or praised, to achieve, to grow. For others, such as myself, I was motivated by the bad. I was scared to get poor grades (which I got plenty) due to ridicule from classmates, having conferences with my teachers and parents, and discipline for those poor grades from the school and/or parents.

Another example may be home, car, or career title. Excellent motivation would live in a house that was designed and built to meet your needs, or driving a dream car that has specific meaning to you, or climbing the corporate ladder because of hard work and positive desire. On the flip side, driving a brand or type of car, living in a type of house or neighborhood, or what I see often reaching or pushing for a work title that meets expectations of others or society.

Appearance is one of the biggest factors that are motivated by the bad. Appearance is so critical of everyone’s mind. The diet companies, plastic surgeons and gymnasiums make a fortune pushing a look that most of us would never achieve even if we worked at it full-time. There are commercials on television about removing bags under your eyes to “look years or decades younger”.

In more recent times, social media has led to this need to not only be noticed and acknowledged but also praised and liked. “Like my video and give me a thumbs up” is a common theme on YouTube, for example.

I admit I have fallen into that trap as well, for a long time. Once I started looking at my motivation for my appearance, what I drive, how I live, heck, even how I take pictures, I then began changing my perceived result based on if my motivation was good or bad.

I have been looking at deleting my social media accounts, such as Facebook and Instagram. Looking at what motivates me or in the case of Facebook, what aggravates me about it. For me, I am deciding what my true motivation on those platforms is and if it comes from good or bad.

I challenge each of you to look at every aspect of your life. Job, home, vehicle, hobbies, significant other, appearance, social media, friends, etc., and truthfully decided what is the motivation for the choice you have made. If it comes from bad motivation, may I suggest working to change that aspect of your life?

Until next time,

Tim (Kilmer)


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