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I'm done !

Photo by: Tim Bindner

I have emailed a few of you about my recent ‘big’ decision, but wanted to go into more detail here. Remember, this is my decision and while some of you will have opinions on why I should or should not have done this, I decided for myself.

I have been on an off Facebook for years now. I am also on Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube and listen to podcasts and read/write blogs. I decided today to eliminate a few of these social media accounts. I began with Facebook. Like I mentioned, I have been on and off of that for a while. I mainly stayed with it because of photography groups I followed. I also deleted my Instagram account Tiktok will not be far behind. I will keep my blog and YouTube.

So why did I decide to cut the cord? I am not sure it is one singular reason but a multitude. First, I would point out that it to me appears to be a big time waster. Next is the toxicity of comments and messages I see on there. These have been mostly directed at others, but I have gotten some very critical things ‘said’ to me, myself. I have also fallen into the trap of comparing myself to others (especially on Instagram).

I enjoy the positive things I see with friends on these platforms, but the negativity to me outweighs any of the positive. That brings me to my next point. Friends. At one point, I had 600+ friends on Facebook. I do not know 600+ people, much less calling them friends. I am a face-to-face person, or at minimal a phone call person. The messages back and forth on a platform open to the world just make little sense to me.

There are a few more things that helped me make my decision, but those are the main points. I will continue to write blogs (hopefully more now that I am not on social media), and watch YouTube for my entertainment and education. Facebook will not be missed, Instagram will, however. I plan to post my pictures on my 500Px site and will provide a link if asked, but otherwise my social media presence will end there.

I hope this lessens my anxiety and opens up more free time for mindful activities. Time will tell if that is the case.

Until next time,

Tim (Kilmer)


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