I have not been on a hike since December 31st, but today I got back on the trail. My body, mind, and spirit needed some cleansing. Today I got a bit of that.
The outside temperature gauge on my car read 28 degrees as I pulled into the parking lot of Mount Saint Francis. The sun was rising as I climbed out of my car and scanned the parking lot. My Subaru would sit alone, at least for now, in the parking lot.
I grabbed my jacket, but on a hat and gloves, grabbed my camera and off I went. I crossed the parking lot onto the gravel path and soon made my way down a hill and cut through an enormous field where I was surrounded on both sides by tall grass.
As I made my way towards the woods, the wind blew. The cool 28 degree temp felt so much colder as the wind turned my nose and cheeks bright red. I let the cold air fill my lungs and listened as the wind rustled the tall grass on both sides of me. I felt a sense of calm as I realized I was all alone on this path.
I entered the woods and started toward the back of the park. I slowed my pace, looking around and enjoying the sights set before me. A rhythmic pace both physically and mentally took hold of me, but was soon broken when I heard shuffling leaves to my right. A group of 7 deer were scampering and hopping away from me off in the distance. I continued on.
I made the turn, headed back, and stopped at my favorite bridge. I stopped to admire the frozen stream below before I moved on. I traveled up the steepest hill in the park, because I knew it lead to another open field. This 100+ foot elevation quickly got my heart rate up to 166 beeps per minute as I ascended. I reached the top and took a moment to catch my breath. Upon doing so, I noticed the beautiful blue sky with large fluffy clouds above me. One thing winter provides is the clearest skies because of the colder temps.
I continued on and made my way down a raven and up the other side (picture above). Then down to the lake and across. I discovered a brand new wooden bench placed next to an inlet on the lake. I stopped and sat.
I pulled my camera out of my bag, snapped a few shots, then closed my eyes and took some deep breaths. The cold air again filled my lungs and energized me. My mind slowed for a few minutes, and I was at peace. That is a rare thing for me.
As I opened my eyes, there was a little bird only feet from me on a branch in front of the bench. I am not sure how long he/she had been there, but I stared at the little bird, trying to be as still as possible. I looked it up later. This was a red-winged blackbird. I watched as it flew from limb to limb and eventually flew off. I got up, gathered my stuff, and headed back toward my car.
I completed 3.5 miles, but more importantly, uncluttered the chaos in my mind for a few hours. I know I only have a few weeks before my hiking season will end. I plan to make the most of each chance I get between now and April/May when this big bear goes into hibernation.
Until next time,
Tim (Kilmer)
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