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I'm a failure...

Photo by: Tim Bindner

I recently watched a video of a photographer I follow and part of his message in that video struck a chord with me. Now, before you non-photographers tune out, I will tie in his message to everyday life and how I see it aptly applies. Stick with me.

The video was titled ‘I’m a failure…’. In this video, he spoke of various things he failed at in 2021 with his photography. One thing, however, stood out to me and I feel this is a bigger message towards life. He mentioned many of his pictures were “grabbing the mundane shots, which were boring.” Though he never said it directly, I got a sense he was shooting shots based on what was popular and had seen many times before on social media. His observation grabbed me.

In life, I see so many people deciding based on what is popular. Owning the latest iPhone, where they live, what popular shows social media tells them to watch, what they drive, what to wear, how to eat, where they vacation and so on. Again, I got a sense that this YouTuber/photographer was taking photographs that were popular for others and not for himself. Thus self-labeling them as “boring”.

I pride myself on liking what I like and not liking what I don’t. I, like everyone else, am influenced by social media and society, but having a personally that questions/researches everything, I often stray from the ‘popular stuff’. Especially after researching it. I often run from the herd, and make my path.

On a recent hike, my friend and I talked about how some pictures we take and we love get few likes on Instagram, while others we think are bland or not great get many more likes on social media. A perfect example of working for social influence and not for our own inspiration and likes.

Challenge yourself to think. To question. Do your research. Make your own decisions. Do what makes YOU happy and not what society tells you that is best for you. By doing this simple act, your freedom and happiness will blossom.

His video also made me question some of my current decisions/choices, and I am contemplating something big (possibly) soon. More to come on that later.

Until next time,

Tim (Kilmer)


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