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Photo by: Tim Bindner

Today I want to talk about hate.  It will be a rant, so tune out if you prefer, but I have to get this off my chest.

These past few years the world I live in seems to not only be more hateful, but society promotes that hate.  The recent Presidential election is a true testimony of that.  Regardless of who you voted for, I have seen people on both sides of the fence get very mean and angry at others.  I have seen if you voted for Trump unfriend me.  I have seen if you voted for Biden; you think I am a racist.  Jesus’ people!

This hate spills over into other areas.  Society has promoted not only the right to share your opinion, but to force others to hear your opinion whether they want to hear it.  I know people that are not having family over for Thanksgiving because of the election and who they voted for, and some of those same people thinking COVID-19 isn’t real.  I saw one person post on a friend of mine’s site that “they act like COVID-19 is as bad a Tuberculosis”.  Really?  Both were horrible, both killed many people and made other extremely sick, yet this guy wanted to prove his knowledge or point was better than others.

I have again deactivated my Facebook account.  I am not completely deleting it because there are people I message on the other side of the world, and I do not want to lose those connections.    I know someone will say just unfriend, or unfollow those that bother me, but honestly I feel that would be almost everyone.  In most cases it is not my “friend” on Facebook, but the comments from their friends that I cannot get around.  So for me, it is my choice to just remove it all.

I have recently had two conversations with people that voted for Trump.  There were no emotions, there was no anger, and we gave facts why we voted for our candidate.  Ironically, in both conversations my friends left saying “wow that was refreshing having a conversation without having to defend an attack or being put in a category.”  This is where it needs to start.  People having conversations about politics, racism, religion, healthcare, life, love, etc., using logic and facts without getting those emotions in the way.  The media is the worst at this.  Watch any local news channel and I guarantee the first 5 or 6 stories will be negative, before they present a positive one.  Shootings, protests, robberies, COVID-19 deaths, etc.

We are bombarded by likes on Instagram, likes on Facebook, likes on YouTube.  We believe that only if you get praise and recognition (likes) is your work, thoughts, statement or opinion justified.  A line from a song by Jewel (Save Your Soul) popped in my head when writing this.  “People live their lives on tv.  They say they’re better than you, and you agree.”  I’m sure some of you are all ready to snap in defense of that statement, but it is more true for most of us than we will admit.

You know when you get a fresh new sheet of paper and crumble it up?  If you try to flatten it back out those wrinkles never quite get perfectly smooth again.  That is how my psyche has been these past few years.  My spirit is like crumpled paper.  Can it ever be perfect again?

Until next time,

Tim (Kilmer)

P.S. The group Trapt redid the song Save Your Soul as referenced above, and it is so much better than the original.  Don’t hate me for that opinion.


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