Someone recently asked me to tackle the subject of intelligence vs. education and if they are the same thing or dependent upon each other. Specifically, if you are educated, does that mean you are intelligent and vice versa?
Technically, I feel intelligence is the ability to think critically, reason and analyze data and make informed judgements based upon data. Education can develop intelligence by fostering the growth of these skills, but intelligence is not dependent upon having taken part in an educational system. Education is a process that develops skills, not one that shows a level of intelligence.
This is solely based on my opinion and subjective. To break it down in simpler terms, I feel intelligence is the ability to think and reason, education is purely just knowledge. I see it like this. A computer is educated with knowledge, facts and data, and a human brain can take many of those same facts, data and knowledge and analyze them into a rational solution based on not only that data, but experiences, emotions and feelings. Something a computer cannot do.
Many people I know have Bachelor’s Degrees, Masters Degrees and even a few haves PhD’s. Does this make them intelligent? No. It makes them educated or in the simplest times they have or had that ability to consume data and facts and regurgitate them on exams/papers/tests to show they comprehended the information. Comprehended is very questionable.
As some have already inferred I don’t support standard education and that is incorrect. I support education but also feel so much is lacking in the schools today. My son who is a senior in high school cannot balance a checkbook, cook his own food or do laundry. Part of that is my failure as a father, but much of that use to be taught in school. In a continuation of my previous post on a culture of non-thinkers, I think both the education system and society are turning people into educated idiots. Our workplaces only want degrees, we have people that cannot figure their way out of a paper bag, but can perform huge mathematical equations. My favorite are those that I try to have intelligent conversations with that I can tell lack the ability of not only reasoning but control of their emotions and get “offended” by what I say. A copout because of a lack of intelligent skills. It is not just with me, but throughout society. ‘I don’t understand so I become offended.’
So am I smarter than everyone? No. I am smarter than the average human and also dumber than the average human, but I know how to think, reason, and will never apologize for having that ability/skill even if it offends others.
Until next time,
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