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What should I do?

Photo by: Tim Bindner Photography

Today’s post may be misconstrued as a bit of a rant, judgmental, rebellious or even anger.  I assure you it is not.  If you take it that way that is on you.  It is in the simplest of terms, my observation.

Growing up I was “raised” or shall I say trained to think, act, and feel a certain way.  A topic I covered in depth in previous posts so I won’t go back into that.

Here is your final chance to turn back.

This past weekend while hiking I engaged in a conversation initially about my pictures and while I loved black and white pictures so much.  In a nutshell, I was a photographer at my high school, and I took pictures with a black and white film camera, and also developed the negatives.  These shots were used in the school newspaper and yearbook.  This was done because the color was way more expensive and harder to develop.  From that point, I developed a love and feel for the black and white film.

As my conversation continued I explained that by being raised to think, act and feel a certain way I began to rebel as a young teenager.  At first, it was purely that, rebellion, but soon began I began to have a purpose behind it.

While growing older my observations have been quantified over and over again.  I see generations of people who don’t think.  I am not without fault here and I am not judging others, but I ask these questions to myself almost daily.  Why spend $45 at Starbucks for a cup of coffee when it is free (at least at the office at work)?  I don’t like the taste and have tried coffee, so maybe someone can explain that to me.  I have heard on more than one occasion that Starbucks tastes “burnt”.  So why buy it?  Is it because it is Star Bucks the brand?

I was recently asked multiple times about “who you pulling for in the Super Bowl”?  You should have seen the looks of bewilderment and moments of silence that happened after I stated: “I don’t care, I won’t even watch it.”  I didn’t.

Why do people feel they have to drive a BMW, Mercedes or even a Lexus when a Toyota, Subaru or Honda will do just as well and last just as long?

My favorite is why do holidays, or celebrations ALWAYS have to involve alcohol?  I don’t drink and never have, but always found tons of entertainment at parties, though I must admit it might have come from that way too gitty or acting a fool due to the effect of alcohol.

Why are things like iPhones, Tesla and Disney so popular?  Is it because people love them or is it because everyone is keeping up with the Jones?

We are entitled and encouraged to express our opinions, especially when we read/see or hear something different than what we think.  I ask, however, does your conflicting opinion come from a true belief or place of logic, or are you expressing a different view to provoking a response or because you feel you have to.

Again I am not judging people for what they buy or do, but more the reason why they are doing it.  We have a world full of non-thinkers.  They “do” based on what is seen in the news, on social media, buy what their friends are doing/wearing/acting.  It is all about status.  This is most evident when you meet strangers.  What is the first question you ask or do they ask you?  What do you do?  They are sizing you up solely based on where you work or a job title.  Others look at what you drive, how you look or what you wear and make an inference.  Do you go to the gym to get healthy or is it because you are “supposed” to work out?

An athlete, singer or movie star can wear a certain shirt or make a decision and half the population will be following suit within a week.  Unbelievable.

Maybe you see me as angry or judgmental, but if you truly know me you know I stand by my convictions.  You know I dress how I want, I eat how I want, I do what I want.  I try things out of curiosity but don’t bend to pressures of society if I don’t like them.  Coffee, beer, sushi, fab diets, trendy clothing, going to a beach on vacation, going out on New Year’s Eve, going to the Kentucky Derby and many others I have tried on multiple occasions but decided what was an what wasn’t for me, and I am strong enough to live with those decisions in spite of society’s pressure.  I think I challenge, I make up my OWN mind, on things.  I challenge you to think.  To research on your own, and decide based on that research not what your friends, the news, a famous person or society tells you is right or great.  I live for Tim, and that is great freedom I am just now discovering.

I will leave you with a quote from Bruce Lee.  Think about this next time you make a choice. “I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.”

Until next time,


P.S. The picture is one I took on a recent hike.


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