Today is Friday, December 27, 2019. I am off work and decided to go on a short hike. I hit up my old standby Mount Saint Francis. I needed some time to myself. I had a decision to make.
Our area is unusually warm for late December, with the temperature already at 52 degrees at 8 am. I parked and headed my usual route. The air was crisp and cool and today as I would later discover I was alone with my camera and my thoughts for almost all of the hike. After a few days of “family” time, I had to get out and release all the anxiety and stress that built up from following holiday traditions.
I recently bought a new camera and after using a few outings I have decided to change directions with my photography. I needed today’s hike to work out the details and decisions in my mind. This is a benefit nature always provides me. A way to cut through the fog and clear my head.
I have decided to shot most of my pictures in a style and replication of older film styles from the 1970s. Compared to today’s standards my pictures will appear faded, a bit fuzzy and vintage, which is my ultimate goal. This is how I see most things. I am not a fan of bright colors. Today’s hike provided the best backdrop and I even took it as a sign from God that this was the right decision. Gone are the day of tack sharp photos. Grain and fuzziness are my new friends (see above).
The slight mist, muted colors and dull colors I saw today added to the atmosphere and mood I was feeling. For most this might be uninspiring, but for me, I was energized, at least emotionally. My body was rebelling and three miles was all I could muster today, but it was enough.
To quote John Muir “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” This is true every time I get out.
Until next time,
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