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Simple things

Photo by: Tim Bindner Photography

I love music.  It’s no surprise, but I listen to the words more than the beat.  It is my form of reading and poetry.  Lately a lyric hit home to me and I thought I’d write about it.

I am not a complicated man.  I like what I like, and in most cases these things are simple. Even very simple to some.  A good meal consisting of a cheeseburger, pizza, boneless wings, or maybe a sub sandwich.  Hanging with my close friends.  As you know I like hiking.  Sitting on the couch watching a good movie or television show.  Researching my favorite hobby, photography on YouTube or Instagram.  Even sitting on a log in the woods listening to my surroundings (especially in winter).  Finally hanging with my wife and son.

I do not like big productions.  Going to the artsy festival, attending a big name band concert, going to the trendy club, trying the hip new restaurant, visiting the local coffee shop, seeing the latest ‘great movie’, etc.  I have done those things and do not enjoy them.  I like simple things.

It’s just these simple things that keep me holding on” by Amos Lee is that lyric that recently inspired this blog.  I had three experiences these past few days that reminded me of this song and specifically this lyric.  I think in music (another blog topic possibly)!

Saturday morning I picked Mark up and we headed to a local camera shop.  It was raining so we planned a visit to the shop followed by lunch.  As usual, we went in started talking to my friend Kim (who works there), and soon we were staring in amazement at a $12,000 lens that Kim was happy to pull out for us to inspect.  We spent time checking out camera bags, new camera bodies, used camera bodies, tripods and continued talking to Kim.  I love talking to her, and am a bit sad I don’t get to see her more often.  I soon got a text from Chris who was headed our way, so we hung out a bit longer.  Chris arrived and we went through the whole process again for the next 30+ minutes.  We are camera junkies.

After we departed I mentioned to Mark, lunch and invited Chris.  I asked what everyone wanted and Chris pointed behind him at Boombozz Pizza and thus it was decided.

For the next hour plus we talked.  We covered topics of photography (of course), Instagram, locations, trips we had been on, gear, even work, and medical issues amongst other things.  There was no pressure to hurry up and leave, no forced conversation, and even the go-to conversation of weather came up due to the changing colors, which again lead to photography.  We ate, we drank (sweet tea, Dr. Pepper, Diet Coke) and we eventually departed.   I drove Mark home then headed home myself.

That evening the weather cleared and my wife and I decided to go sit outside on our back deck.  It was cool 66 degrees, yet the sun warmed my body and my soul.  We sat, watched the dog run around and enjoyed each other’s company.  No Kindle, no cell phones, no television, just the fall colors, a lite breeze, a restless dog and quality time with my wife.  We didn’t speak much, nor felt the need too.  We slowed downtime and enjoyed those moments together.

Monday I went for a hike at my local favorite spot with Mark after I got off work.  He is recovering from being sick, and my legs were agitated but we headed out, cameras in hand.  I chose a different route than I normally take with no real goal in what way I was going or spot I wanted to see.  As usual, we chatted sometimes, other times there was silence.  We spotted different things to shoot, and the fall colors, as well as the setting evening sun, provided us wonderful shadows, contrasts and magical views that can only be seen in nature.  As usual, we documented many things we saw.  I have posted one picture above.

It’s just these simple things that keep me holding on” by Amos Lee.  So how does that apply and why did I think of it?  A simple dinner with friends, some time on the deck with my wife enjoying each other’s company, and a short hike with my buddy are all simple things that for most would not mean anything, or they would be taken for granted.  For me, they do help “keep me holding on”.

As a simple man, I realize these are the things I truly enjoy and I want to look back and remember once my body and mind start to give way.  I don’t think the world takes time to slow down and live in the moment anymore, I am guilty myself, but want and need to change that about myself.  Put the phones down, turn off the distractions, have a conversation (with eye contact).  To do things without an agenda (hard for a planner like me).  These are my goals and my early New Year’s resolution.  Are you up for that challenge?

Until next time,



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