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31 Days of Halloween - Part 4 of 4 (final)

Part 3

Week 4+


Dawn of the Dead – In 2004 my mind was changed about zombies.  Like 28 Days Later as mentioned above, zombies now ran and were fast.  Before like in the Night of The Living Dead they moved slow and were at most in small groups.  This all changed with this film.  I was scared of zombies again.  The movie flows well, has some good actors in it and the blood is not overdone.  For me, the opening scene with the young kid entering the bedroom is one of my favorite all-time scenes.

World War Z – First I am a fan of Brad Pitt.  I loved him in Fight Club, Kalifornia, and Legends of the Fall.  I was skeptical however about this movie until I watched it.  I loved that the zombies are still fast, that they kinda think, but most importantly there are elements of running and fighting, but also slow and silent parts in this film.  Brad did a great job as the hero, and the ending left me wanting more.  The scene with him in the freezer when he let the zombie in was just awesome.

A Quiet Place – Recently two movies came out and were the buzz on social media for a bit.  One was Bird Box (which I didn’t like) and this one.  In the sense that Hush the person was deaf, and Don’t Breathe where a sound could not be made to alert the killer, A Quiet Place also made a sound a priority.  In this case, it drew aliens.  I love the acting in this movie, the location (again woods and a farm), and the unexpected twist of one of the main characters dying.  Or did he?  Part 2 is coming out soon.  Silence is golden, especially in this movie.

Let Me In – I am pretty sure there is another version of this film, but for me, the 2010 version is the one I like the best.  It is a vampire movie, but this one has a twist.  It focuses on a young female vampire and how she befriends a young neighbor kid who is bullied at school.  The movie has elements of their relationship, how they can coexist, and elements of the boy’s interaction with bullies at school, his family and the young vampire and her handler.  My favorite scene is the blood pact in the hidden room.

30 Days of Night – Yet another vampire movie, but again with a twist.  Some vampires talk (Let Me In), some don’t (Salem’s Lot), but in this case, the vampires speak but their language.  I was intrigued by this story/movie because a town in Alaska goes dark for a month (no sun), and is in the middle of nowhere.  A perfect concept and feeding ground for vampires.  Some big actors and thrilling moments make this a keeper for me.

Byzantium – When you can live forever, what does it take to feel alive?  I normally don’t like period piece movies but this only spends part-time there.  I love the story of a mother and daughter trying to survive, hiding what they are and the struggle most teenagers have with their parents.  Throw in some British accents, well-written script and you have a keeper.  I guarantee none of you have seen this one (except my wife), but it is worth watching.

The Crazies – Small town, zombies, Timothy Olyphant what more can you ask?  This movie is not a zombie flick more of an infection flick.  It is based on a small town where people get infected and start going crazy.  There is running, hiding, military intervention, car chases, and as mentioned one of my favorite actors Timothy Olyphant.  I love the 2013 version better than the original.  This has a bit of the feel of 28 Days Later, mixed with Outbreak.  Regardless it is a winner for me.

Predator – This is not a horror movie, but I still list it as part of my list.  I also struggled between this and Predators as to which made my list.  I ultimately decided on the original.  This was the introduction to the series, unfortunately, it had a bit too much testosterone, but the storyline was good.  As a common theme, there are woods, our killer does not show up for a huge part of the movie, and there are chase scenes and killings.  Plot twists of using things in nature as weapons (mud, sticks, bows, etc.) make me admire this film.  Of course, there is also “if it bleeds we can kill it”.  Did you use your Arnold accent when you read that?

It – This movie was recently remade but I love the original 1990 version the best.  The newer version looks better, has better effects, but is also in 2 parts.  The original was one long movie.  First, there is a clown (spooky as heck), then the story is written by Stephen King.  There are big actors in the original and watching it in 1990 I felt like I was there in that small town of Dairy.  I love this movie except for the actual monster revealed at the end.  Still something I watch almost annually.

The Serpent and a Rainbow – My final entry is a voodoo movie about life and death.  It displays voodoo magic, medicine, witch doctors and an internal fear of being buried alive.  Director Wes Craven plays on a few of my fears, in a well-cast and wonderfully acted movie.  This late 80’s movie was again one most of you have likely never seen but should.  It is dated like many on this list, but still gives me chills when I watch it.

That is my 31-day list of movies.  There are so many I could add to this list, but I struggled to keep it to 31.  Debate, enjoy, ignore and comment on what you think of my list.  Like most things in life it is up for debate, but I hope I provided you a few gems you have not seen before.

Until next time,



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