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Jamie Chance

Photo by: Jamie Chance

As with most of the photographers I never met, I discovered Jamie by researching information about photography, and in this case Fuji specifically.  I found him through a Google search but have followed and admired his work since that day.  I hope you will as well.

As mentioned I was looking up potential settings for my Fuji camera when I stumbled across Jamie’s settings.  As I was still defining my ‘look’ (and still am), many of the settings I was using or at least trying he listed in the article.  I experimented with some of the settings and adopted some to fit my needs.  Some I emulate others I don’t, but the article was very educational to not only see what he uses but why he uses what he does.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago and again with some research, I discovered he wrote another article on travel and shooting with Classic Chrome.  As many of you know my preference is monochrome shooting but if color is warranted (in my mind), then I only use Classic Chrome.  Like above I do not emulate all of his settings but many of mine are similar, and as he puts it Classic Chrome is “the film simulation of the Gods”.  For color photos, I agree.

For those who are Fuji owners, I recommend you check out Jamie’s settings in the link in the second paragraph, but discover your look, don’t just copy his, mine or anyone’s settings unless they match what you hope to portray.  Be unique, and forge your path, don’t follow or copy others.

Jamie’s blog, website, Instagram and even Facebook provide a lot of useful detail of his travel, photography and general thoughts behind all of it.  I highly encourage you to check out his work in the links below.

Website –

Facebook –

Instagram –

Which is your favorite lens?

My favourite lens is the Fujifilm 23mm f/2 – it’s light, lighting fast and fits my style of shooting perfectly. I became sick of the 35mm focal length on a crop sensor as I always felt too close to the action so this lens is perfect.

What is your favorite style of shooting?

I wouldn’t say I have a favourite style of shooting but find myself more and more just adopted a ‘point and shoot’ attitude. I love exploring new cities and shooting architecture and people. I do wish I was a bit more confident at taking photos of people on the streets!

Among the gadgets that you own, is there something that you wish you hadn’t bought?

I’m not too sure but a little part of me regrets buying my Mavic Pro drone. It’s just sat collecting dust now that I’m no longer traveling but the photos I managed to get were so worth it!

How do you educate yourself to take better pictures?

Literally spending as much time with my camera as possible, shooting things that I like. I try not to compare too much on social media as I think that doesn’t help at all!

Whose work has influenced you most?

Kevin Mullins is an absolutely fantastic photographer and I love what he produces with Fujifilm’s cameras. I also love Mitch Cox’s travel photography!

What is the one thing you wish you knew when you started taking photos?

That there’s no such thing as perfection!

I want to thank Jamie for taking the time to answer the interview questions and provide insight into his manner of shooting.  It is always great to hear others’ perspectives and what drives them to shoot the way they do.  As always it provides me even more insight into developing a craft I love so much.

Until next time,



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