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A Walk In The Woods - part 3

Photo by: Tim Bindner Photography

Day 3;

We again hit the BRP and made our first stop at the Pisgah Visitor Center.    I bought two hats, looked around a bit and then we headed to Highway 276 and Looking Glass Falls.  This massive 60-foot fall was flowing hard.  The thunderous noise could be seen and felt in the parking area.  This location provided a wooden staircase down to the falls.  Quite easy in fact, but I was feeling the strain from the day before.  Like a giddy child, Mark was all over taking shots, getting wet, but had a smile from ear-to-ear the whole time.  I enjoyed the beauty and power of the falls, took one shot, but stayed where it was dry.

Photo by: Tim Bindner Photography

As we returned to the Blue Ridge Parkway the clouds parted, the sun came out and we both said we were in for a beautiful day (weather-wise).  We stopped along the BRP a few times capturing shots of the shadows on the road, an old rock bridge covered in moss and as we made our way up the BRP the clouds started to roll in (remember what I said about the ever-changing weather).  We stopped at multiple overlooks.  They are numerous and each provides a different view.   A few we stopped at this day had what I like to refer to as ‘gnarly’ trees.  For me these trees had no leaves, and what appears to be arms and fingers reaching out in all directions.  Along with the white and dark clouds, the monochrome shots I love to take, the scenery best fits this scenario.  At one such stop, I saw a guy hop out of his car in front of us to take a picture.  I lowered my exposure and made him a shadow with puffy skies above.  We moved further up the road and Mark saw two young girls lining up to take a picture of what appeared to be their grandparents hugging.  We whipped in, I grabbed my camera and got this shot.  Mark gave a thumbs up to the girls and they returned it.  This is one of my happiest and saddest shots.  I missed my wife and spent a few moments thinking of her.  I hope someday this will be us or we can experience this area together.

Our next stop was Craggy Pinnacle Summit.  This is one of Mark’s favorites.  We didn’t make it.  As we approached the visitor center the wind picked up, a fog rolled in and the rain began to fall.  Nature again was calling so we dashed for the building.  Once inside I began to look around while Mark inquired about the location of the restrooms.  The wind was shaking the building, the rain was so thick you could not see outside, and the ranger said.  There are port-a-cans on the edge of the parking lot.  I laughed and Mark said I guess we are skipping this trail and I will be holding it a bit longer.  The ranger mentioned the wind, hail, and ice storm the week before and how one port-a-can stayed upright but was blown about 6 feet from its current location.  Yea we thought the same thing!  It didn’t tip, but ugh.

Photo by: Tim Bindner Photography

Since that hike was canceled we decided to drive up to Mount Mitchell.  This is the highest peak east of the Mississippi summiting at 6684 feet.  As we left the BRP and headed up the road it was not long before we had to pull off at an overlook.  We sat in the Jeep as we were pelted with hail, rocked by gusts of wind, surrounded by fog, yet we were both able to snag some moody pictures (from the Jeep).  After 10-15 minutes of Mother Nature’s fury thing let up (a bit) and we headed for the summit.  About ¼ mile from the top we were engulfed in fog with zero visibility.  I had been there before and knew that one side of the road had no guardrails and was a complete drop-off.  Better judgment took over and we crept back down the road.  About ½ mile down the fog lifted (sort of) and we pulled over as Mark ran down the road to grab a shot of the rolling fog.  Like before it dissipated before he got there.  I stood at his Jeep, turned around and saw fog rolling through some treetops.  I nailed the shot, hopped back in the Jeep and called Marcie while waiting for Mark to return.

We made our way to Linville Falls and began our hike to the upper part of the falls.  Like most trails, this was hilly, rocky and rooty, but not terrible.  Mark told me the lower hike to the falls was much steeper, but we were planning on doing that later.  As we hiked to the top of the falls the power of the falls was deafening (watch the video above).  I again was tested with my acrophobia.  We were on an elevated rock with a two-foot wall between us and a 150-foot sheer drop.  I again experienced much of what I did before and stayed back from the edge.  The views were spectacular.  We headed back to the Jeep and I told Mark I was not sure I had the energy to do the lower hike.  He agreed, either to pacify me or maybe he was also tired too.  As we headed back to eat the skies opened and it poured down rain.  Whether it was a sign or not, we made a good call.

Part 1

Part 2

Until next time,



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