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Mark "Deermark" Wilcoxson

This post is a bit difficult for me to write.  It’s not about coming up with the words, but more about keeping it short.  This post is about my good friend Mark.

Mark and I met a few years back when I started geocaching.  Mark was one of the original geocachers (it started in 2000) and like photography, he started teaching me whether he knew it or not.  For a few years, we would geocache, which lead to hiking, which eventually led to photography while hiking and geocaching.  Over the years my love of geocaching took a back seat to photography and hiking and has been completely replaced by it altogether.  As I shot more and more, Mark and I became closer as friends due to our similar interests.

I learned during our numerous outings, as you will learn shortly that Mark has been shooting for 40+ years.  Every time we went out, I learned something from him (and not just about photography), and I think he learned a little bit from me as well.  We could always talk gear, the inspiration for shots and locations.  I would get calls from him on a Thursday saying I’m going here, here or here this weekend, with an offer to join him, and when I could go, I would.  The weather didn’t stop him, so I was happy to find someone willing to go out in my element, the cold.

As time passed on I eventually converted Mark into a Fuji shooter like myself.  He switched from Canon, me from Nikon.  I am not sure if it was my yammering over the wonderful camera I had (XT-1 at the time), my results (pictures) from that camera or he moved because I wouldn’t shut up about it.  Regardless I think it not only made him happy but like it did with me, sparked that desire to shoot again and much more often.

Mark has recently retired and spent 5 or 6 weeks traveling from Indiana to California and back, covering Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas, Arizona, Utah, Colorado and likely one or two states I missed.  His wife Lynn accompanied him in their truck and pull behind the camper.  I text him often and got to live vicariously through the pictures he shared in an almost nightly or next-day text.   I was jealous but really happy he was able to do this with his wife.

Mark is always there to offer tips and suggestions, offer praise and critique (in a respectful way) about my shots, and often as we go out together we complement each other by offering guidance and pointing out things the other missed while we are shooting.

Whether or not he would accept it, or feel comfortable with it Mark is my photography Mentor.  As this series of interview posts continue I am reaching out to those whose work inspires and motivates me.  In most cases, I cannot talk to or go out with most of the people I interview, but in Mark’s case, I can.  We have and will continue to go on photo walks, hikes and likely even trips together.  He pushes me to be better with my shots.

Mark has done one other thing for me.  At the time this is posted we are heading out on a long weekend trip together.  A trip was something he has pushed for and my wife and friend have done so as well.  We are leaving Indiana, heading through Kentucky, Tennessee, into North Carolina, then Virginia, back through Kentucky and home again to Indiana.  Mark is the driver, and tour guide.  I will be writing about the experience upon my return, but the trip is all about hiking and photography.  I will be marking off one Bucket List item, climbing mountains, and hiking with a good friend.  I have posted in the past that I hate vacations, but this trip will likely change my mind about going on trips in the future.  I am looking forward to seeing these places, but also the bonding we will do in the Jeep while I listen to stories of his past hikes, trips, a location he has been, geocaching adventures, or shots he has taken.  I’d soak it all in.  I often listen to audiobooks.  Mark is my living audiobook!

Like I always say please check out Mark’s accounts below and I appreciate you taking the time to read his responses.  My next post will be about the trip listed above.  I can’t wait.  Wish us luck.  Here is a short 4-minute tease of one of the places we will be going.

Instagram –

Which is your favorite lens? – I love my Fuji 18-55mm zoom lens. Most of my photos are taken while hiking on trails or walking city streets. It seems a majority of my subjects may be on the opposite of a ravine or near the upper reaches of a building. A zoom will take me there with little risk of injury. I try to keep the Bear Grylls traits to a minimum.

What is your favorite style of shooting? – I bought my first SLR in the mid-1970s to take photos of my friends and family. It wasn’t long before I noticed I was snapping many more photos of nature than humans. This trend has stayed with me ever since. Landscape Photography is my choice when I have a camera to my eye. A sunset or a waterfall will make me late for dinner every time.

Among the gadgets that you own, is there something that you wish you hadn’t bought?  – I don’t have a gadget that I don’t use. I may only use it once or twice a year but when I need it and I can find it I’m a happy photographer. I do have a few camera bags that collect dust but they don’t count. Who doesn’t have extra camera bags?

How do you educate yourself to take better pictures? – I look at a lot of photos on social media. I also spend time on YouTube and listening to photography podcasts. If I see a photo I like I will dissect it in my mind. If I see a style I’m attracted to I may try to emulate it. I’m always learning and trying new methods to get that perfect shot.

Whose work has influenced you most? – I can say that I am not influenced by a single photographer. I am influenced more by individual photographs.  (He failed to mention me, of course).

What is the one thing you wish you knew when you started taking photos? – Until I started shooting full manual I was never really impressed with my work. I like having full control over a scene I am shooting. I wish I would have forced myself to shoot manual in my early days of photography.

“This is the best I have.” – Mark

It’s not often you cross paths with truly genuine people.  I can count on one hand (but no more than two) the people who I value, respect and trust.  My inner circle.  Mark is one of those people.  Some of these folks I have known most of my life, others only a short time, but my gut is rarely wrong about people.  I knew from our first few encounters that we would be great friends.  My only regret is that I had not known him sooner.

Until next time,



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