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2 Tickets to Paradise.

Photo by: Tim Bindner Photography


I have in recent weeks been told by someone that we all should have things to look forward to.  I am here to say I have two things to look forward to, one next month and one in the fall.

As someone who plans and also has bouts of anxiety when it comes to planning for future events, I am trying to be more mindful and live in the moment, but I still hold on to my natural tendency to plan things.  Here are my two upcoming adventures.

In October I am planning a train ride that incorporates an 18-mile round-trip ride and dinner here within my state of Indiana.  Marcie and I will be dining in a private car with possibly two other couples I invited.  The car we will be traveling in and dining in was built in 1924.  This particular car was the tail car in what was deemed the “Oriental Express” traveling from Chicago to the West coast in its heyday.  Our booking will be a Saturday evening trip departing at 6:30 pm, which includes a nice meal and hopefully many gorgeous pictures.  I am hoping that this trip being in October the leaves might begin to show their bright colors and of course, I always love the romance of old trains, tracks, and train cars.  It will be nice to get away with my wife, and also join a few friends on this journey.  Round trip from home and back we will be gone a total of 6 hours.  Enough time that my anxiety will not allow me to worry about the dog and my son.  Again I hope to live in that moment and not worry about other things, as I often do.

At the end of April, I am taking a long drive with my friend Mark.  My wife talked me into going on a trip with him, and my worries about my dog will be minimal as Marcie and Gavin will be home while I am gone.  I will, however, still have guilt about leaving them.

My trip will begin afternoon on a Wednesday and we will return Sunday.  Mark and I will leave Indiana, head through Kentucky, Tennessee and reach our final destination in North Carolina.  Do you have a James Taylor song running through your head (some will get this, others not)?  I do, but then again I think in song lyrics.  My tour guide Mark (been to this area many times) is working out the destinations, but I know for a fact we will be visiting Grandfather Mountain, Max Patch Bald to capture the sunrise, Black Balsam Knob, and Sam Knob.  I am sure we will have many other destinations in there as well.

When asked what I wanted to see by Mark, my only real goal is to hike the Appalachian Trail.  Now I am not talking the entire 2000+ miles, just a part of it, even if only a few feet.  I just want to say I have been on it.  Other plans are to catch the sunrise at Max Patch Bald, waterfalls, sunsets, cliffs, eat BBQ and basically to be in nature.  As crazy as it sounds I want to see a wolf, mountain lion and possibly a bear.  Yes, all can kill me, but I don’t care, I want to see one or all.  As excited as most people get about a beach, cruise, or even Disney, this is my Valhalla/Heaven on earth.   I have always been drawn to the woods and mountains and now I am going with a like-minded individual who often sees the world as I do, at least.

I have never had lofty goals when it came to travels or vacations.  I have mentioned before that the fewer people around the better for me.  Theme parks, popular attractions and hanging out with 1000’s of my closest friends trapped on a cruise is my idea of Hell more than Heaven.  I am a different ‘cat’ to use a 70’s term.  I like discovering things on my own, not parading around an area and guided to what others tell me are the popular attractions.  Waiting 2 hours to ride a 2-minute roller-coaster, baking on a beach with 100’s of others, come on.  I have found a kindred spirit with my buddy Mark and I know our trip will be adventurous.  We don’t need a ticket, a magic bracelet or won’t be standing in lines to see what we do.  The good news is, you also will relive these adventures through my blog and pictures.

Until next time,



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