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Showing posts from March, 2019

I frustrate my wife.

Photo by: Tim Bindner Photography   I frustrate my wife.  I do not do this on purpose, but I do it.  It all stems from my past and it is an innate trait woven into my being.  I try to change but it is not my nature. A recent Enneagram stated about my personality trait (Six) ‘Average Sixes need reassurance due to a lack of trust in their decision-making ability.  Instead of making decisions themselves, they look for answers in authoritative sources.’   This statement is so true of me.  For me, this all goes back to my childhood and how at an early age I developed low self-esteem that stays with me today. In grade school, I was a bit odd (and still am).  Kids always point out the different ones.  I was different and thus got picked on a lot as a child.  This is not in any way a cry for pity or reassurance, as I have learned to defend such behavior throughout my life.  As many of you know I was a swimmer at an early age.  As I got better and better at swimming I went from a local swim clu

2 Tickets to Paradise.

Photo by: Tim Bindner Photography   I have in recent weeks been told by someone that we all should have things to look forward to.  I am here to say I have two things to look forward to, one next month and one in the fall. As someone who plans and also has bouts of anxiety when it comes to planning for future events, I am trying to be more mindful and live in the moment, but I still hold on to my natural tendency to plan things.  Here are my two upcoming adventures. In October I am planning a train ride that incorporates an 18-mile round-trip ride and dinner here within my state of Indiana.  Marcie and I will be dining in a private car with possibly two other couples I invited.  The car we will be traveling in and dining in was built in 1924.  This particular car was the tail car in what was deemed the “Oriental Express” traveling from Chicago to the West coast in its heyday.  Our booking will be a Saturday evening trip departing at 6:30 pm, which includes a nice meal and hopefully man

Chris Sale

All Rights reserved – Chris Sale.   This week I want to talk about three different photographers I follow and why.  One I have corresponded with the other two I just follow their work but have reached out to with the questions below.  The above picture was taken by Chris Sale and permission to use this photo was given exclusively to me only by Chris Sale.  No unauthorized use of this photo is allowed. I decided recently to try something new and contact various photographers and ask them a series of questions, to see what inspires them to do what they do.  The first one I heard from was Chris Sale .  I found Chris on Youtube and began following his work as he does some landscape work like me.  I have linked Chris’ website and Youtube channel above.  Let me first begin with his Youtube channel.  Chris is not a run and gun photographer, he takes time to craft the shot, set up and compose it then captures the moment.  Chris also does more color than black and white, but his videos explain

Lose, lose !

Photo by: Tim Bindner Photography Last night, as I lay awake from 2:13, am until sometime after 4:30 am I made a hard choice for me that hopefully will help me in the long run.  I reversed the decision I have made in the past. Growing up I played most sports.  I started with baseball but hated it.  I tried basketball but didn’t have the coordination or desire to stick with it.  I was never allowed to play football due to the violence of it.  I played soccer, which was and still is my favorite sport.  Finally, I was a swimmer. The reason I began swimming will sound very odd.  At the age of around 6, I was constantly in and out of doctors’ offices and hospitals with asthma attacks and battling allergies.  For those who are not medically trained let me explain the difference.  Allergies (for breathing) come when something irritates the nose, lungs or breathing system.  The reactions are sinus headaches, sometimes dizziness, maybe some vertigo, but a stopped up nose and drainage.  Mostly t

I'm so new at photography.

Photo by: Tim Bindner Photography   I received my new camera this week and it started me down a deeper journey into researching various photographers and discovering the ones that I admire their work.  I feel this is research for me that helps to build up, and inspire my creativity.  For those who do not have the passion, desire or drive to look at what I am about to tell you up, I have provided a ton of links to various photographers and shots below. My friend Mark recently gave me a small notebook he got at a dollar store.  He uses a similar notebook to jot down ideas, tips, tricks, settings, and ideas for recall later.  I liked that idea and have started doing the same.  This is a basic 3×5 notebook (not even a brand name on it), with a fake leather cover and lined pages on the inside. I have a pen attached to the notebook by a hair tie borrowed from my wife.  Inside I currently have some basic settings for my cameras, but soon am adding ideas for future pictures. My new camera is a

Is my luck changing?

This past week has seen a range of highs and lows for me both emotionally and with my anxiety.  For once there were more highs than lows. This week I ordered a new camera.  This was a model that a few friends own and I was able to try out for a few days.  I fell in love with it.  Once it arrives this will be my everyday camera, using my current one on hikes and for specific shoots.  Why do I need another camera?  I don’t, but I can afford it due to selling a lens I rarely use.  It arrives on Monday and I am very excited to have another tool to help me capture photos and relieve my anxiety. This week I was informed by my boss that I am getting a bonus and a raise at work.  I have been at Humana for 16 years and never received a bonus but have received raises.  It is a new thing Humana is trying and might I say I like it.  With the bonus we can move one step closer to financial freedom, with I realize now is my biggest source of stress. Along the same lines, we had our 2018 taxes prepare