I have not written in a while due to an illness caused by an activity I love. I am being treated for tick disease.
On the weekend of Memorial Day, I went hiking as mentioned in the previous blog. Almost instantly my pants were covered with ticks. These ranged from the small deer ticks, the ones with the yellowbacks, and everything in between. I pulled more off of me when I returned home. My symptoms didn’t start until 8 days later.
As one who has experience asthma attacks had broken bones and even suffered from kidney stones, this latest battle was not something I was prepared for. I had many symptoms of the flu but knew that this was different. My pain began on a Sunday when my head felt on fire. It was quickly followed up by fever, cold chills, severe headache, and neck pain. I also began to feel weak. I got an appointment on Wednesday to see the physician’s assistant (my doc was booked). When I arrived in the room I began sweating, as I knew my fever broke. By the time I left, I looked like I had run 10 miles in 90+ degree weather. The office drew blood but had a hard time getting any due to my dehydration. I was told they were checking me for a viral infection, bacterial infection and tick diseases. Two days later I got the result. “You do not have a viral or bacterial disease,” I asked about the tick and was told I needed to come back in to draw more blood (5 viles) to have it tested for that. It was then I reached out to my doctor. She called me and explained based on the symptoms she would treat me for tick disease, also explaining that the blood test may not show anything for weeks. Within hours of taking my first pill, I felt better. 10 days later I am still feeling very weak.
During this ordeal, I emailed many of my fellow hikers to let them know I would no longer be doing something I love until the weather cools down and these creatures die off. It hurts me to think one of my great loves I will be limited to for only 6 months of the year. My wife has had two different tick diseases and now I possibly have one. The agony she went through and I recently did is not worth the risk.
So why solace of love? Well upon news of my illness I received many emails and text from friends who were sad and concerned about my health. My wife also through all of this took care of me. I took great solace in knowing I have many people care about me, however, some never said a word to me. That surprised me for a moment than it didn’t. I have learned over the years that many people put up this false bravado or image they want you to see. I learned this past week about some of those people. I have also learned there are many ways to discover the real person instead of the one being portrayed. People are who they are. People don’t change. When pressed, when cornered the artifice falls and the curtain drops. They always show you who they are.
I will continue to hike in the woods from October – May, and likely do urban hiking in the other months. I do know I have people who love and support me and will support my passions. I relish those friends and am in a constant state of reevaluation when it comes to those I know. Hopefully, I will gain some strength back soon and be able to clear these cobwebs in my head so I can get back to blogging more. I will continue to take solace in hiking, photography, music and my true friends. Nothing more I can ask for in life.
Until next time,
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