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Photo by: Tim Bindner Photography

Why do people see the same reality so differently?  This was a question a friend asked on Facebook the other day, and it got me thinking.

Each of us has our own unique life experiences.  These experiences, both good, bad and indifferent, have made us the unique individual we are.  Our thoughts, emotions, feelings, and actions all come from those experiences.  I believe this is why we see different realities from others.

Today I did two separate hikes at the same location.  What I mean is, I spent time hiking with some friends and then spent time alone after they left, to hike some more.  During the first part of my hike, this question above popped into my head as a result of a conversation I was having.  Today the temperature was in the 70’s, but it was very humid.  Being in the woods also blocked much of the wind and increased the humidity level.  My friend stated to me that this was the perfect weather for hiking.  Her reality.  My reality was similar but different.  I agreed the temperature was good but the thickness of the air and the humidity level for me was not my preference.  I was sweating from the get-go and my clothes were completely soaked when I reached my car.  My reality.

As a younger person, I often thought of questions that others felt were odd but I was inquisitive.  Many I have never and will never get the answers to them.  This is the part of the reader where you decide that I am nuts, had too much time on my hands, or am very inquisitive.

As humans, our legs bend one way at the knees.  What would a chair look like if they bent the other way?  Next, why do squirrels never back down a tree?  Finally, and this is where I might lose some of you, how do we know we all see the same color?  So say I pick up a bright red apple.  I see red, you see red.  But how do we know my red is not your blue, but we identify them both as red?  We can never see through someone else’s eyes, so we will never know.  Thus my reality is likely different than yours!

In this day and age when it is almost welcomed to be offended by anything, people (including me), need to remember other’s realities are different than their own.  Before we judge someone on their action, race, religious belief, political affiliation, sexual preference, thoughts, beliefs, choice of clothes, etc.  Remember they had their own life experiences that lead them to think, feel and act a certain way.

My method to lessen my anxiety as a result of others is to limit myself to ongoings of the world.  I watch the news for the weather only, then turn it off.  I do not get wrapped up in the political climate, social movements, nor the latest tragedy that has happened.  I was contacted yesterday about the recent school shooting in Texas.  Though this will sound callous, I do feel sad for those impacted, but it is nothing I plan to devote any time too, other than what I am about to say.  With this tragedy as well as many others, the media and social media will have a torrid of pro-gun and anti-gun views, which will spill over into politics.  There will be marches, calls to action, and a lot of passion on both sides.  This will go on for a while, eventually, fade and then another tragedy will likely happen (I hope not), which will start this all over again.  My method to deal with this all is to shut it all out.  My choice, right or wrong.  My reality.

I hope that eventually we, as a human race, can have civil, real-life conversations, without people getting offended.  We have lost the ability to respect other opinions, especially if they differ from ours.  I do have my own opinions on others’ actions, different races, religious beliefs, political affiliations, different sexual preferences than my own, others’ thoughts, others’ beliefs, others’ choice of clothes, etc., but I keep them to myself.  These are based on my reality, and no better, nor no worse than anyone else’s reality.  I just choose not to get offended and force my reality on others.

So don’t get offended, or do, if you want to talk politics, race, religion, or sexual preference and I decline to participate.  If I choose to discuss these things it will be with people I trust, and I know will respect my opinion, and I theirs, on the subject.  None of this will be on Facebook, nor should it be!

Today’s part one hike was filled with laughter and good conversation.  It was great to be out there with friends.  Part two I was mostly alone, and that was my time to snap some pictures, clear my mind, leave my stress in the woods and unwind.  Both hikes helped my psyche.

I’ll leave you with one last message.  This month is Mental Health Awareness Month.  As one who has never been diagnosed, but suffers from depression and anxiety, please be aware this is one of the most devastating emotions one can experience.  I have been following a photographer for a while that, like me has found hiking and photography as a way out of depression.  Take the time, if you will, to see his story

Until next time,



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