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Am I a robot?

Photo by: Tim Bindner Photography

I feel sometimes I am a robot.  I have been programmed to follow the herd.  Society dictates how I feel, think and act.  But I can be reprogrammed.

Today I attended a session at work that focused on focusing on the positives in your life, not the negatives as so many people do like me.   Growing up I was taught to focus on my lower grades in school, focus on things I was doing wrong and even perceived negatives on my health and appearance.    Today’s session taught me 5 steps to help change my thinking and ultimately my outlook on life.

First, it was advised to establish a gratitude ritual.  I am to write down three new things I am thankful for each day.  There were no criteria listed.  It could be something simple like it is cold outside and I am thankful, or something much deeper and more meaningful.  I already have many thoughts flowing through my head, and will begin this process tomorrow.

Second, start a gratitude journal.  Similar to the first one this goal is to write one positive experience I had within the last 24 hours.  Again this does not have to be a book if it can be something simple.

Thirdly, is simple.  Exercise.  I began on 1.1.18 trying to get 10,000 steps a day.  Most days I make or exceed it, others I don’t quite make it, but this helps to increase my exercise and this step.

Number four is daily meditation and focus.  Now, this is difficult for me.  I have NEVER taken the time to relax my mind.  I can fulfill this when I hike but challenge myself to do this every day.  I will start with 5 minutes a day and see how this goes.

Finally, do at least one act of kindness daily.  I try to do this as often as I can, but will purposely make this a daily habit.  This can be for strangers, family, or friends.

Most people that know me to know I stress and worry too much.  My brain goes to what is the worst scenario possible and I focus on that.  99% of the time it is all for not.  I am hoping by making changes in 2018 that I can retrain my brain to deal with things that come up, when they come up, and to focus on the positives in my life, not the negatives.

I have found my love for hiking this year, my love for photography in the past few years, and now a new and scary path of writing blogs.  Thanks for coming along my journey and I hope by revealing a side of me that it will help you look inwards to reevaluate how you think, feel and live.

Until next time,



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