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25 years


How do I put love into words? Especially after 25 years of marriage, two children, a few dogs, and various moves we have made both with jobs and homes. How do I explain how someone is in my daily thoughts, and every decision I make takes her into account?

I have seen her grow into an exceptional mother, loving and understand wife, and beautiful human being. She is the reason I am still here on earth.

Dearest Marcie,

Twenty-five years. A quarter of a century. It feels like yesterday we stood at the altar, our hearts brimming with hope and anticipation. And yet, as I look back on these years, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude and love.

You have been my constant, my rock, my guiding star. Your love has been a beacon of light, illuminating my path even in the darkest of times. Our home is alive with the melody of your laughter, bringing boundless joy, while your kindness ignites a warmth within my very being.

I cherish the memories we've made together - the adventures we've embarked on, the challenges we've overcome, the simple moments of happiness we've shared. Each year has been a new chapter in our story, filled with love, growth, and endless possibilities.

As we celebrate this milestone, I want you to know that my love for you grows stronger with each passing day. Thank you for being my best friend, my confidante, and the love of my life.

Happy Anniversary, my love.




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