I read or saw something recently that paraphrasing stated
something like this. I was raised as a child (as well as much of my generation
was) that no fun or relaxation happened until my homework and chores were
completed. In an ironic twist of fate, I now cannot ever relax because there are
always things that must be done.
I discussed this with Erin on my last visit and she said
that was very profound and that I may have a point. Now the challenge is how to
rewire my thinking that was etched into my brain my entire childhood and early
adult life?
I am not alone, as I mentioned above. My sister, for
example, has two kids in sports. She works full-time and so does her husband.
They are running from the time they wake until they go to bed. Any time she
sits down, she falls asleep. My mother-in-law is the same way. She always had
to be occupied with some tasks or another. Every day, she diligently cleans
every nook and cranny of the house. Whether it’s making wreaths or working
outside, she always finds a way to stay busy and add her personal touch to her
environment. At night, ideas flood her mind, compelling her to rise and act
upon them. In the stillness of the night, it is not out of character for her to
be found, tirelessly shifting furniture until the early hours of the morning.
My mind also races at night. I do not get up and do things
about it, because some things that pop into my head are senseless. For example,
I may wake up at 2:30am on Thursday morning and think I need to take the trash
out. We have lived here for over 10 years, and I have never missed putting the
trash out, but it pops into my head. Last night, for example, I woke up around
1:40am and thought about the cereal I had in my pantry. I knew I had bought 3
but could only remember 2 of them. Why did this pop into my brain and why did
it even matter?
Random thoughts about adding something to the grocery list,
wondering what the water bill will be, waking up and trying to figure out what
day it is, then also trying to figure out when I cut the grass last, thus
planning for the next time I need to cut it.
Some thoughts run deep, like the looming question of whether
retirement will ever be within reach. Since my mid-twenties, I have been
grappling with this issue, and as the years have passed, it has only
intensified. Moreover, it takes a toll on one’s energy levels.
I mentioned to Erin that even during vacations, it’s hard to
find true relaxation or peace. A few years ago, Marcie and I set off on an
adventure to explore the beauty of Door County, Wisconsin. While I was still
savoring the trip, anxiety crept in as I started contemplating the challenge of
navigating through Chicago traffic during our return journey. Just like before,
our recent trip to Colorado had me contemplating the challenges of returning to
the busiest airport in America, determined to plan and avoid any traffic or
timing issues. Because of my anxiousness, we ended up reaching the airport a
good four hours prior to our designated flight departure.
A friend suggested me trying to come up with how I find
peace and what things kill my peace. He continued to say if I can come up with
2-3 things that provide me peace, that doing those may help make progress
towards a more peaceful and restful mind. He added, “true/lasting peace
does not come from my effort, but there are still things I can do to help
There is no doubt in my mind that writing, photography, and
hiking are all activities that bring me a deep sense of inner peace. Regrettably,
I am unable to do these activities frequently or consistently. I made it a
point to hike almost every day during my recent leave from work, and the impact
on my anxiety was significant. Despite the darkness, my brain remained active
throughout the night. My head buzzed with thoughts of tomorrow’s plans and
replaying the scenic hike from earlier, making it hard to sleep.
Things that kill my peace are endless. I have been trying to
lessen the burden by eliminating what I can. I do not attend funerals,
weddings, and especially family gatherings as it highly increases my stress and
anxiety having to talk to people and share meaningless conversations that would
not naturally happen otherwise. I avoid people that zap what positive energy I have,
such as Marcie’s sister, her cousin Michael, and uncle Frank. Even her
brother-in-law Devin can test my nerves with his constant need to talk (which
includes telling the same stories over and over).
The weight of my responsibilities constantly disrupts my
inner peace. My personal peace is constantly chipped away as I strive to keep
up with paying bills, completing chores, meeting Gavin's needs, and making sure
Marcie has everything she needs, all while ensuring the dogs are never left
alone for too long. In order to guarantee completion, I must have control over
these things. While I have faith in Marcie and Gavin's abilities, I was brought
up to be accountable for my own tasks and not rely on others.
Routine has become etched into my DNA as well. I go to bed
around the same time nightly. Wake up around the same time daily. Most importantly,
I need to know what is going on for the day. As a planner, it drives Marcie
nuts, but I cannot be spontaneous. If I know the plan I can expect things like
traffic, barriers for others being late if they plan to join us, and even plan
things I might eat if I know what restaurant we are going to. Ironically, if I
show up “on time” I feel I am late to something. I am always early, and ironically,
most of my friends are always late, which causes internal stressforn me as
Many times, I have voiced my doubts about ever finding
complete relaxation until the end of my life. Even though I strive to release
control and refrain from planning every situation, I'm starting to doubt if,
after 56 years, I can truly change. In my journal entry from last week, I
expressed my longing for peace and a single night of restful sleep,
uninterrupted for 8 hours. Will it ever happen, or is it just a distant dream?
Until next time,
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