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Showing posts from November, 2022


Photo by: Tim Bindner Thanksgiving began like any other for me but ended completely different from how I expected. I did, however, learn some things about myself and the true meaning of thanks. First, let me start with the plan. The plan in the morning, for me, was to get up, go for a short hike, come home, and take a shower, get dressed and head to Marcie’s parents’ house for a 1pm Thanksgiving meal. The universe had other plans for me. Let me go back to Wednesday night to begin what really happened. Gavin, his girlfriend, and her parents came over for dinner. We had an enjoyable meal of lasagna. Not long after the meal, I developed some indigestion and rumbling in my chest. Not too severe, but enough to notice. I finished out the night, went to sleep, and woke up Thanksgiving morning. The pain was still there, but very slight and not noticeable. I got my camera, hiking clothes and drove off to Mount Saint Francis. I arrived, began my hike, and all seemed well. As I moved further alon

Chilly morning

Photo by: Tim Bindner I started today off early. I woke up at 6 am, ate breakfast and headed to the trail by 7:30am. I needed this hike today. The parking lot was empty. My temperature gauge read 19 degrees as the sun was lighting up the sky. I parked, grabbed my stuff, and headed down the path towards the lake. My mind, as usual, was racing, and I looked to slow it down. I had my new camera around my neck and my eyes began scanning my surroundings for pictures to take. There is always something to shoot, but going to a familiar place often causes me to be complacent and for go pictures I have already taken. This is, however, my therapy, so I trudged on. I reached the end of the pavement and move east towards the wooden bridge and eventually the path. As I skirted the lake, I was startled by a squirrel who was also startled by me. He was on the side of a large tree and then ran across my path, turned, ran back towards the tree, then disappeared up it. As I walked by, I told him, “You s

Ordinary world

Photo by: Tim Bindner Today I did an ordinary task, and took a routine and ordinary picture, but the feedback from that shot was overwhelming and quite honoring. Each week for years now, I take the trash out to the curb for pickup on Tuesday afternoon. Sometimes I take it late Monday evening, other times I wait until Tuesday mid to late morning. Today was the latter. It is November 15 th ; 40 degrees and the rain/mist began falling around 7:30am this morning. It was 10am when I made the 100-foot trek (one-way) to the curb and back. The driveway was wet and the air windless yet still cool on my skin. I grabbed the trash can and rolled it out to the driveway. My head bowed to avoid moisture hitting my glasses, I strolled back to my back door. I savored every cool breath and soaked up the feeling I had out in these conditions. Fall is my favorite season. Today’s light mist, gray skies and cool temperatures are my ideal environment. Only thing missing is the forest or mountains. Don’t judg