Photo by: Tim Bindner This week we had some snow, which lead to some beautiful, yet challenging, footing on my hike this morning. I also tested out a new lens I got. Upon arrival in the parking lot a little before 8am, I noticed I was the only vehicle there, which meant I was the only person there. This is my ideal hiking preference. I headed along a familiar route, leading me through the fields, past the water tower and into the woods. Crossing the field, the wind picked up and the left side of my face and ear tingled. It was 30 degrees, but the wind made it feel much colder. I hurried my pace to reach the woods, and once enveloped by the trees, I knew the wind would not be a factor. I was right. The snow did two things. First, it provided a more challenging terrain, which lead to a few slips here and there. Second, it provided a quiet hush to the surroundings. Each step I took was muffled by the packed snow beneath my boots. Even the occasion squirrel rush through the woods was much ...