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Showing posts from August, 2024

Waiting for the End to Come

  I have been in a funk lately. I am adjusting to my anxiety medicine, and I feel it is working, but maybe too well. Last week I met with Dr. Erin. She, of course, asked me how I was feeling and honestly, I told her I was not really feeling anything. We dug deeper, and she explained that my anxiety prior to the medicine was like a roller coaster. I had extreme highs and extreme lows. Now with the medicine it is more of a flatter track. I am not hitting the lows; Like I was before (which is good), but also not hitting the highs either. I feel like I am purely existing. Little desire to do much of anything. It’s true my passions are hiking and photography, which I do little of in the summer because of ticks, heat, and snakes. I know fall is approaching and I hope that helps me get out of this funk somewhat. I will also speak to my psychiatrist about lowering my dosage to see if that helps. Even my writing has been affected. I have not had the desire to write. Music, however, has sp

Spirit Animal

  I recently watched the movie Couples Retreat, which I have seen many times. It is a comfort movie for me. Part of the movie has each couple being presented with their ‘spirit animal’ and that, of course, got me thinking. There have been studies done, cultures that believe, and even people who identify with spirit animals. If you Google spirit animal, you will find many ‘quizzes’ that will help you identify ‘your’ spirit animal. Google also defines this subject as a spirit animal refers to a spirit which helps guide or protect a person on a journey and whose characteristics that person shares or embodies. People have chosen many majestic animals such as the wolf, eagle, bear, lion, and cougar, to mention a few. I began thinking of who best identifies with me and my personality and I came up with a cartoon character based on a real animal. The Tasmanian Devil. Also referred to as Taz in the Looney Toons universe. Taz is generally portrayed as a ferocious, albeit dim-witted,  car