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Showing posts from May, 2023

My pets - Poem

For over a year now, I have been feeding wild animals. It began with birds, then I added ducks and now it seems to include squirrels and an occasional racoon. It brings me joy and I enjoy getting multiple visits from the ducks as they walk up for their feeding to my back patio. From my kitchen table, that acts as my desk during the work week, I see the birds fly in to feed in what seems like shifts. The order sometimes varies but usually begins with blue jays and cardinals, then the pigeon plops down (they cannot seem to land without a thud). Next are the woodpeckers and brown-headed cowbirds. A squirrel or two sometimes two will sneak up, sit in the middle of the food pile while other birds fly in and gingerly grab their pieces from the outer rims. Then comes the pièce de résistance, the crows. They come in groups of 3 or 4 and the pattern is always the same. The scout lands on the garage roof. As he or she surveys the area, if things appear safe, a flurry of ‘caws’ begins. This, I ca

Country Roads

Photo by: Tim Bindner Today’s post is about an upcoming trip Marcie, and I are taking. We both need some time away to relax and spend time together. The last year has been rough for both of us, and though some may say we deserve this trip, I don’t feel we do. However, I feel we need it. Marcie’s employment with Humana will end on June 26 th unless she can find something before then. She has been posting internally and externally with only a few nibbles, but no bites. With our recent medical issues, compounded with me also almost losing my job. Also, all the medical bills, having to replace major appliances in our house, and many other things going on these past 12 months have been stressful for sure. I could find a new role within Humana, which helps slightly with my anxiety, but only partially. Our goal is to fly into Denver, Colorado, rent a car and drive to a small town called Nathrop, Colorado, where we will stay at an Airbnb for one week. Each day, we will explore from our tempor

Ah poop.

Photo by: Tim Bindner I have never been one that has to be busy. To attend the newest movie primer, eat at the newest restaurant or bar, or fill my schedule with activities. I, in fact, like the simple life, and the simple things. Yesterday I had one of those days. It may have bored many others, but I had a great day. I was up early as usual. My wife woke early as well. She came in and said, let’s go to Home Depot. We recently had two, eight foot raised garden beds built for vegetables. We had some plants but needed the soil to put them in. We headed to Home Depot, purchased eight bags of Bonnie Harvest Raised Bed Soil and a plant for Marcie’s mom for Mother’s Day, then headed home. We unloaded the bags, filled the two beds, and then went into the house. Marcie decided we needed more vegetable plants. So, our next trip was to the garden/plant shop where we got watermelon, cantaloupe, onions, cherry tomatoes, and more sweet pepper plants. We took those back home, changed clothes, then h

Another trip

Photo by: Tim Bindner As I completed another trip around the sun this week, my mind wonders about places, ideas, and thoughts that I don’t enjoy having. I have never liked attention. Even with something as small as my birthday. I don’t advertise the day on social media and respond with a simple thanks to whoever recognizes the day. I also struggle as my son’s birthday is right after mine. I am always happy for him, but many of the thoughts bouncing around in my head I also portray onto him internally. A day that most people celebrate, I reflect. I reflect on my life choices (good and bad); I think of the what ifs, and I think of what is possibly ahead. As my wife told me this week, “you are an overthinker. You need to quit overthinking everything.” I wish it was that simple. I’d love to shut it off, but I can’t. As with many of my posts, there will be people coming back to me with advice based on their own way of thinking and own experiences. Some of these folks will be older, others y