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Showing posts from March, 2023

Struggling is a Part of Life

Everyone struggles in life. It’s a fact of life. But how we deal with those struggles can make all the difference. Some people choose to give up when they struggle. They feel like it’s too hard and they’ll never be able to overcome it. But others choose to keep fighting. They know that struggling is a part of life, but they also know that they can overcome anything they set their minds to. If you’re struggling right now, don’t give up. Keep fighting. Remember that you are not alone. Everyone struggles in life. But the ones who keep fighting are the ones who eventually succeed. Here are some tips for dealing with struggles: Talk to someone you trust.  Talking to someone about your struggles can help you feel better and get some perspective. Take care of yourself.  Make sure you’re eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. These things will help you feel better physically and emotionally. Set realistic goals.  Don’t try to do too much too soon. Set small, achievable

Update on Sam

Photo by: Tim Bindner Friday evening, I got my test results. It was news I was unexpected to hear. I was in shock. My recent EGD test on Wednesday morning was done at a local hospital because of my “recent heart attack” and once concluded, the doctor came in and said he saw something “that didn’t look good” and “whether it is cancerous or pre-cancerous will need to come out.” The issue again is with the recent heart attack, I may not be off blood thinners or risk “having another heart attack” or stay on the blood thinners and risk “bleeding out.” So, Friday came around and Marcie and I were eating pizza at a restaurant when the phone rang. I picked it up. What was I going to hear? What were the next steps? Will I be yet another person with cancer? Kim, the nurse, was on the other end. She verified I was who I was and then, without emotion, said. Dr. Obert said, “no cancer, no surgery. It was a swollen nodule on your esophagus. He said keep on the antacids and that should take care of i

Let me introduce Sam

Found on Google I have not posted in over a month. I have had a lot going on and was debating on sharing all of it with you. This is, however, therapy for me, so here it goes. This will not be cheerful and my intent here is to inform and not asking for pity or sorrow. I will also introduce you to Sam. Named after the character from the movie Trick R Treat and pictured the above. As many of you know, I had a heart attack back on Thanksgiving Day in 2022. I received 2 stents and saw the cardiologist in January who gave me an excellent review. In February, I went to see my primary caregiver, who took my blood work for my normal cholesterol, liver function, sugars, and other tests. A week later, I got the results, and, to my surprise, every single lab test was normal. Even my liver test that had not been normal since I was in my 20’s. However, my sugar tests (A1C, glucose, triglycerides etc.) were the highest they have ever been. I was immediately referred to a diabetic doctor and told to