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Showing posts from January, 2019

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

Photo by: Tim Bindner Photography The Good, the Bad & the Ugly: In the past two weeks, I have experienced some highs, lows, and doses of reality.  Some were of my accord others were a result of the universe’s plan for me.  It is a microcosm of my life. I’ll start with the Ugly.  The Ugly was a truth I already knew about myself but was reminded of recently.  I am a negative person.  My wife reminds me of this and recently a friend brought it to light.  I have lived on this earth 50.5 years and experienced good and bad in my life.  Likely no more or less than anyone else.  I was raised to put others’ needs before my own and am constantly reminded by others that I need to take time for myself.  Easier said than done.  It is in my makeup.  Think of it like telling someone afraid of spiders, snakes, heights or public speaking to just shut those fears off and move on.  This natural desire for me goes even deeper.  It is nothing I can just turn off. Anyway, the recent observation from my

Hiking in the snow & lunch with a friend.

Mark Yesterday I led a hike in the woods and snow.  Today I had lunch with a friend.  For most this may not be seen as a great weekend, but for me, it was a memorable one. As part of the hiking club, I belong to they are often asking for hike leaders.  I volunteered to be one.  The role of the leader is to choose a location, time, date and keep a headcount and make sure everyone who starts, finishes. This hike had a lot of familiarities as I chose my favorite place to hike, Mt. St. Francis, but today was different in a few ways.  First I woke up to about 2-3 inches of snow, next I was unsure how many would attend, and third though I had met some of these people, I didn’t know most of them.  The ones I did know where based on a few brief meetings. As the hikers slowly arrived I said hello and began gathering my stuff.  Today I didn’t bring my camera as I wanted to focus (pun intended) on leading the hike.  We eventually had all the parties there, formed a quick circle and introduced our

What drives me to take photos?

Today I want to talk about what drives me to take photographs and why I enjoy doing it.  For me, it is about the experience and not just the images I capture.  Often enough the images are an afterthought. My wife and I had dinner last evening with another couple who are friends of ours.  During part of our conversation, the subject of me hiking today came up.  I discussed some of the animals I have seen when out hiking, which include squirrels, deer, chipmunks, birds, raccoons, domestic dogs, and even a few coyote sightings.  This prompted the question “Do you carry a stick or something to protect yourself?”  I replied no.  I never have even thought about it.  Nature for me is a sanctuary.  Yes where I go there is a risk of injury from a fall, possibly being shot by hunters, and I guess possible animal attacks, but I never even think of that.  Life is full of so much stress anyway, why put the extra burden of ‘what if’ out there.  I have a greater risk of being in a car wreck on the wa