Friday I was able to revisit somewhere I have been wanting to do for quite a while. With my camera in hand and nerves in check, I did it. In 2016 as I was driving home one day I saw a man out cutting down his field with his John Deere farm equipment. I pulled over on the side of the road and snapped the shot above. As he approached me I engaged in a brief conversation and told him I took a picture of him. He said that it was perfectly fine and told me he owned the farm down the road. In appreciation for this shot, I printed off a copy and dropped it off at his house (he was not home). I got a call later that day stating that “was the nicest thing anyone has done for him in a long time”. Moving forward to 2018 I contacted him and asked if it would be possible to come to photograph him or his workers when they are cutting their corn, he happily obliged. I got the call early last Friday that they would be cutting “in a few hours and going until dark or the rain comes”, a...