Photo by: Tim Bindner After recently writing about my “why” I began thinking a bit more about that subject and “why” I love photography. Specifically, the unique appeal between color and monochrome (black and white) for me. Many people I know dislike, or don’t prefer monochrome photography. My wife is one, my friend Mark is another. I have found that a vast majority of people have similar tastes. I do not. I set my camera up to view in black and white, regardless of the outcome of the picture I capture. This is how I compose each of my shots. I also have the luxury with digital technology to turn a color photo into black and white and vice versa. I began my photography career in high school shooting, developing, and printing all in black and white. Part of this was because of the price (black and white was cheaper), and partly because they printed our high school newspaper in black and white. Again, due to cost. Black and white were also more popular and easier to produce prints from. ...