Photo by: Tim Bindner Erling Kagge wrote the book I just started called Silence in the Age of Noise . I read occasionally. I am not a neanderthal. Early in this book my wheels are spinning and thus got me to write this post you are about to read. I am only a few chapters in, but the key topics are, as the title mentions, silence and wonder. Both topics got the wheels turning in my head. In the book, the author mentions 3 questions. What is silence? Where is it? Why is it more important than ever? At this point in my reading, he has not found out or revealed any answers, but I wanted to weigh in on my thoughts on these questions and topics. What is silence? To me, silence is twofold. First, there is the surrounding silence. For example, are you reading this with music on or TV in the background? Then you are not in silence. Is your phone constantly buzzing with social media feeds, text, new notifications? Then you are not in silence. When is the last time you sat in silence with no ba...